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Please help! Council Tax Summons Letter

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Sounds like the agreement you made wasn't properly passed on to whoever issues the bills.


My household got a summons in the post today, dated 11th January.... the summons is tomorrow! Tried phoning the number listed, but it just cuts off once you get on the summons/baliffs option. It says on the automated line "We are experiencing a high level of calls due to having issued summons. Please remember you have 14 days to respond." - not very helpful if you didn't recieve it until more than 14 days after it was issued!


Anyway, I called another benefits line about something else and asked about my summons on the off chance she would have some general information. She said, basically, not to panic. It's not a big thing court in front of a judge or anything and you only attend if you want to dispute it. It sounds like you *do* have grounds to dispute it (them ignoring your prior arrangement) so I would think the easiest thing to do was attend - taking any and all paperwork you have about it - and explain things.


If, like me, you got the summons shockingly late and can't attend, I'm not sure what you can do other than keep trying to get in touch and explain when you do.


(I myself will be complaining about the lateness of my own letter and suggest anyone in a similar situation do the same).

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I arrived home last night to find the same summons dated the 11th for me to attend tomorrow 1 Feb. I had just made the a payment 2 days before. I have also tried ringing them the whole day today on 2736633 and the line pet cutting after selecting the either options 3 or 4 for bill enquiries or bailiff summons etc respectively. Literally the whole day like cause I really didn't have better hings to do like prepare an nportant presentation and also do some coursework for training Arrrrgh. I don't want anything affecting my credit rating and don't think I can attend this court hearing, what can I do??

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Mine's signed by the title Legal Team manager, it that he council representative? So are you suggesting that I shouldn't attend and no further proceedings / costs shall be inccurred whilst I keep trying to contact their phone line?

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Sounds like the agreement you made wasn't properly passed on to whoever issues the bills.


My household got a summons in the post today, dated 11th January.... the summons is tomorrow! Tried phoning the number listed, but it just cuts off once you get on the summons/baliffs option. It says on the automated line "We are experiencing a high level of calls due to having issued summons. Please remember you have 14 days to respond." - not very helpful if you didn't recieve it until more than 14 days after it was issued!


Anyway, I called another benefits line about something else and asked about my summons on the off chance she would have some general information. She said, basically, not to panic. It's not a big thing court in front of a judge or anything and you only attend if you want to dispute it. It sounds like you *do* have grounds to dispute it (them ignoring your prior arrangement) so I would think the easiest thing to do was attend - taking any and all paperwork you have about it - and explain things.


If, like me, you got the summons shockingly late and can't attend, I'm not sure what you can do other than keep trying to get in touch and explain when you do.


(I myself will be complaining about the lateness of my own letter and suggest anyone in a similar situation do the same).


Same here - I was in such a state of shock!


I posted this on my final 10 minuet break so I didn't have chance to call them.


I got into such a panic by that time that they ended up sending me home. I called them and it took a good hour to get through but got through to a wonderful lady who apologised and said that the summons has been sent automatically to anyone behind - even though the agreement was made.


So relieved now! I texted my mother to see if she could call and they wouldn't speak with her!


Thanks everyone for your advice....those bloody letters are quiet scary!

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Mine's signed by the title Legal Team manager, it that he council representative? So are you suggesting that I shouldn't attend and no further proceedings / costs shall be inccurred whilst I keep trying to contact their phone line?


I would go and ask to see the judge, they wont be able to, just there legal team, they have no court powers!!, take all proofs you have and tell them that you will show it to the judge and only the judge, watch their faces!!

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