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Please help! Council Tax Summons Letter

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I don't *think* the summons is actually legal anyway although I don't know. Something about lawful but not legal. Too busy and at work to look up.


Can't get through on phone, every option just goes to an engaged tone. Because they are inept record keepers and outright liars, I want confirmation that they received my payment, otherwise am I still going to be issued with a liability oder for the sum paid by debit card last night. (I guess queries about previous payments made will just have to wait - typical, I have to pay instantly but wait for any refund)


But I am sure that this is not a postal delay. For everyone to receive these yesterday, have the council lied on documents bearing the court insignia?


I wish I could get out of work, I would damn well go down to the court and urge erveryone who can go down to go down and cause a stink by clogging the whole place up. Legally and peacefully of course, only following instructions to turn up there as requested..

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I wish I could have gone too. As it is I'm now out of pocket for court fees which I'll struggle to recover from them and I've now overpaid by £108.


someone should contact the press.


I'm pretty sure there is a legal notice period that you have to give someone to respond to a summons. less than 48 hours it is not. None of our letters are franked so doesn;t look like they came through the Royal Mail.


It's a deliberate attempt to blaclmail and scare people into paying money whether they owe it or not, giving no notice to rectify any error.


Imagine if you got that letter and you were a vulnerable person?

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I wish I could have gone too. As it is I'm now out of pocket for court fees which I'll struggle to recover from them and I've now overpaid by £108.


someone should contact the press.


I'm pretty sure there is a legal notice period that you have to give someone to respond to a summons. less than 48 hours it is not. None of our letters are franked so doesn;t look like they came through the Royal Mail.


It's a deliberate attempt to blaclmail and scare people into paying money whether they owe it or not, giving no notice to rectify any error.


Imagine if you got that letter and you were a vulnerable person?


That's what they are doing, using bullying and scaring tactics. I've just e-mailed them. I should have gone to court in June but didn't go due to lack of notice, I have a £30 charge for costs incurred. What could I do? They have threatened me with bailiffs, fine let them come, they won't get anything off me. I live in rented accommodation and what I own is very little. I'm not bothered, that's the way I choose to live. I pay my way in life, not always on time admittedly but I don't owe anybody anything (except this council tax).


Like you say imagine if a vulnerable person receiving a letter like this. The consequences are unthinkable

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I'm going to be going down there this afternoon, as much as to complain about the dates on the letters as anything! If *everyone* who had arrears on January 11th has been told to go down there today I'm imagining it will be total chaos - I'm taking a good book to read >.>


As for scare tactics, I think it's a mixture. These letters *are* generally designed to frighten people into paying, but I really don't think they originally intended to deliver them the day before the summonses. I mean, lots of people would pay up when they got the letter to *avoid* going to court. The short notice takes up more council time and resources, so it doesn't help the council any to cause this worry, confusion and put themselves on dubious legal ground. I suspect more people then usual are going to turn up to the court just because they can't get through on the phones! Their own phone line states "you have 14 days to respond to the summons", so they know they've not allowed us the time we should've had.


There was probably something (computer problems, staffing shortages because of the snow, general incompetence) that meant the letters either weren't printed or weren't posted when they were supposed to be, or the wrong dates heave been printed. They should've scrapped them and started again, but instead they've to send them out anyway, creating this total cluster-mess!

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You could have gone to court. If you're told to go to court, you make sure you go and if you don't you suffer the consequences.


Yes, like I said! I accept the consequences. I got £30 costs. Which part didn't you understand :roll:


---------- Post added 01-02-2013 at 15:28 ----------


You could have gone to court. If you're told to go to court, you make sure you go and if you don't you suffer the consequences.


So do tell me, when you have 1 days notice to attend court and you can't go, how can I "make sure I go". People do have other commitments you know

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I called them and explained everything.


They removed the summons immediately and advised that I had nothing to worry about, that it's only and bill and "these things happen".


I was relieved that I didn't have to go today but god - I was terrified.


I don't have to make any extra payments because of the letter - stick with my current agreement and then contact them April 3rd. Ask for Amanda - she is really good.

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oh didn;t have the luxury of time to sort it out (tried before work but just cut off)


I've spoken to them now. there is a credit to my old account which they are transferring over.


now I just have to recover the court costs which won;t be easy.

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oh didn;t have the luxury of time to sort it out (tried before work but just cut off)


I've spoken to them now. there is a credit to my old account which they are transferring over.


now I just have to recover the court costs which won;t be easy.


Tell them that every letter e-mail and phonecall chasing up your debt will incurr a £10 charge, after 5 of these then tell them you will be taking them to small claims court, make sure you put yhese charges in writing, that constitutes a contract in courts eyes!!

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