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Socialist Workers Party crisis rolls on

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I have heard him spoken of in unfavourable terms many times,even by elderly relatives of mine(family members being somewhat divided in that respect) but in spite of his defects i don't recall any criticisms being made about his role as a leader in the war.

Politics aside,having read about what he was like as a person in details read from a few biographies, i regard him with admiration,though i'm aware he was far from a saint,i certainly don't believe he was anything as bad as the SWP like to portray him.


The cossacks might not have agreed with you as he was sending them back to Uncle Joe!

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If Churchill was admired at the time,can you explain why the Labour Party scorched him and the Tories in the 1945 election?


The fact that Labour won the election doesn't have to suggest that Churchill had become unpopular.I may prefer David Cameron to Ed Milliband but that doesn't have to mean i'm going to vote Tory next time.


The majority must have taken the view that with Labour in power there would be an improvement in living standards and health and social conditions.Wasn't it Labour that set up the NHS in 48.They must not have been considered to be doing enough though because the Tories regained power next,and remained in that position for the rest of the decade.


All i'm stating is that i admire Churchill and that i consider him to have been one of the greatest leaders we've had,you obviously hold a diffferent view which not everyone else has to share.


---------- Post added 02-02-2013 at 00:46 ----------


The cossacks might not have agreed with you as he was sending them back to Uncle Joe!


Can you offer a bit more detail please.

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What did Churchill do in the 1926 strike?


what would you expect a Tory Chancellor of the Exchequer to do during a General Strike called with the aim of overthrowing your government? Organise Russian-themed entertainment in the evenings with ballet and borscht for the strikers?

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The fact that Labour won the election doesn't have to suggest that Churchill had become unpopular.I may prefer David Cameron to Ed Milliband but that doesn't have to mean i'm going to vote Tory next time.


The majority must have taken the view that with Labour in power there would be an improvement in living standards and health and social conditions.Wasn't it Labour that set up the NHS in 48.They must not have been considered to be doing enough though because the Tories regained power next,and remained in that position for the rest of the decade.


All i'm stating is that i admire Churchill and that i consider him to have been one of the greatest leaders we've had,you obviously hold a diffferent view which not everyone else has to share.


---------- Post added 02-02-2013 at 00:46 ----------



Can you offer a bit more detail please.


Labour won the next election in 1950!:)


---------- Post added 02-02-2013 at 07:09 ----------


what would you expect a Tory Chancellor of the Exchequer to do during a General Strike called with the aim of overthrowing your government? Organise Russian-themed entertainment in the evenings with ballet and borscht for the strikers?


Churchill prompted the strike by setting the pound too high,in an attempt to join the Gold standard at 1914 rates.This forced the mine owners to cut wages,prompting the strike.The strike was the result of Churchill's economic shortcomings;if not it was an act of provocation,arguably even worse.


I think you are funny,but nevertheless poorly educated about the inter-war economy.Better to stick to areas where you have some expertise like psephology:hihi:

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Because the war was over?


The war wasn't over. War in Europe ended in May. The general election was in July but Britsh forces were still fighting the Japanese in Burma into August. The Japanese didn't surrender there till the end of August and VJ Day was in early September.


Churchill was booed during the 1945 general election campaign. There is film of him being booed at Walthamstow Dog Track next to his own constituency but I can't find it on the web. There's a mention here in the Telegraph; http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2570752/Walthamstows-dogs-have-had-their-day.html

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If you wish to discuss World War 2, churchill or any variety of other topics please start another thread and do it there.


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Its worse than 1973. We had bottle then. We fought back. Now the Unions lay down and surrender. All students do these days is booze, in our day they were the voice of justice. They used to demonstrate.

Thats why people of my generation have some sort of pension to look forward to. The youngsters wont. They accept everything the Torys dish out.

You only get the goverment you deserve. At least I havent got much longer to put up with the attack on workers rights.

You choose not to fight, you suffer even more indignities.


Well said!


---------- Post added 02-02-2013 at 13:04 ----------


Appear to have the what?


i think he bored himself to sleep :hihi:

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