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What's your dream car?

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My dream car?! Something with 4 wheels, 4 doors, a steering wheel, a working engine oh and a CD player would be nice.


To be honest though, as long as the car got me from A to B and back reliably without costing me too much in fuel or breaking down too much, I'm not really fussed about the make, apart from that I wouldn't be seen dead driving a Nova for obvious reasons (Sorry, couldn't resist :D).

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A chieftan tank perhaps ? Something to cope with the potholes, protect us from 4x4 driving young mothers, and effectively challenge White Van Man :hihi:


This one


might be right up your street. Based on Peugeot Running gear, the VBL is fully amphibious, For big families, the LWB version offers fully armoured protection to your loved ones.. It can surmount obstacles upto 50cm, four wheel drive, gets 500km from a full tank; Each wheel has controllable tyre pressure, it can cope with a bank of up to 45 deg, it has air conditioning, and can be fitted with a wide variety of extras and add ons that would delight the urban driver (how many car manufacturers offer optional extras like twin bofors cannons - much more fun than silly rims or blue leds)

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