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What would get you to walk to Hillsborough?

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Thanks for all the responses so far.... some more than others, I grant you ;)


In no particular order... the Experience Hillsborough project is what pulled us all together initially, but this is something new. We've carried on ourselves for several months, opening FB page, and a Twitter account and organising events. The Highways Dept have tentatively approached us (it may not even happen) about working together to organise some sort of walks/ tours that would take in the park/ historical aspects/ interesting areas of Hillsborough (we discussed this yesterday for the first time, so forgive the vagueness!) Thier remit is to encourage people to walk more, use cars less, so it does have to be walking based.


The market idea is one we have on our list, and we will be discussing it further next week. Another idea would be to utilise one of the empty shops as some sort of indoor pop-up market (idea is a "work in progress")


The problem is contacting landlords etc... this is also a reason why there is no control over who/ what opens up in Hillsborough.


I would LOVE to say we have the power to control road access/ pavement widths etc, but in all honesty, we have to work with what we currently have. What we are trying to do is show people in the surrounding areas that Hillsborough is really worth a visit. Not everyone thinks this is so... you can't please all people :) What we do know is that the events we organised last year, with the Library and the Park rangers, gradually brought more and more poeple to the area.

All we want to do is carry that on.

Our thoughts are that the more people who visit, the more chance new, exciting, independent businesses will want to come back in to the area..... I'm hoping some of you see that as a win-win :hihi:


Keep it all coming... :hihi:

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I already walk to Hillsborough. 3.7 miles to the Hillsborough area, and home again. Not every day, I walk and cycle depending on my mood and what time I get up, and less often drive.


But that's to work. Nothing in Hillsborough makes me want to walk 5 minutes down to Hillsborough Corner or Middlewood Road in my lunch break unless I need to go to the bank or do some chore or other.


In short, aside from the necessity of work, there is nothing currently in Hillsborough that would make me walk there, rather than to somewhere more convenient to me.


Sorry, that may not be what you want to hear, but it is my honest feedback

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I live near the park, so I often walk either straight down Middlewood Rd into the centre of Hillsborough, or if the weather is nice, through the park. I go to the library, and often visit several shops. Fruit & veg; newsagents; bakers; Home Bargains/Wilko - great for toiletries and cleaning stuff; chemists and florists. I shop locally as well as using supermarkets and shops in the city centre.


I do get fed up with the dog poo on the pavements (not the dog's fault, obviously!), the litter, and the people who think its ok to walk three abreast on the narrow pavements. Not sure how those things will ever improve, as they are down to people's attitudes.

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