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Old Mine Shafts In Mosborough

old tup

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My present wife and I moved to the old village part of Mosborough in the early 1980s,at that time across from the Queen Hotel on Main St. there was an old hardware shop that I used a lot.It was run by a nice old chap in his 80s I should guess,being new I used to ask him about old time Mosborough and what it was like,one of the things he told me was about the place being riddled with mineshafts.He said one time he was underground and he could hear the noise of a horse and cart overhead vibrating through the ground to where he was.Eventually the shop closed and was turned into a residence and time passed on,as Queen St. got used by more traffic it was rerouted making the Main St.end into a traffic light junction.While doing the excavation work the bulldozer opened up a capped mineshaft just where the traffic lights are now,I went down to have a nosy chatting to the workmen,one of them picked up a large piece of concrete and hurled it down the shaft.We listened for a few minutes and we never heard it hit bottom so I guess it was pretty deep,by this time it was teatime so they had the problem of covering the dangerous hole.They did it by driving their crane over it blocking it for the night,it was capped next day and covered with tarmac when the road was finished.So next time you drive on Queen St. think of the endless drop below your car and cross your fingers!.:o:roll:

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What a load of bull**** Tuppie - Brunts was the shop btw - HTH

Thats me Westieman I,m full of it,glad you liked it though.Adios owd ****!:hihi::roll:


---------- Post added 03-02-2013 at 10:37 ----------


there used to be a mine enterance where the garden ctr is now, you used to be able to see it from the road

There was a drift mine entrance across from the British Oak further up Mosborough Moor somewhere near where the turning for the new housing is!

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Moorside mining was to the other side of where the playground is, on where the newish houses are, in fact they are bang over the top of where one of the adits was. Does anyone know where any other shafts were at mosborogh? I can't picture where the one at the garden centre would have been though?

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Moorside mining was to the other side of where the playground is, on where the newish houses are, in fact they are bang over the top of where one of the adits was. Does anyone know where any other shafts were at mosborogh? I can't picture where the one at the garden centre would have been though?


the mine yard and drift mouth were were the playground is now and went into the bank you can see from the main road.


entrance to mine - https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=mosborough&hl=en&ll=53.328874,-1.368484&spn=0.032037,0.097504&sll=52.8382,-2.327815&sspn=8.298831,24.960937&t=h&hnear=Mosborough,+South+Yorkshire,+United+Kingdom&z=14&layer=c&cbll=53.328809,-1.368373&panoid=tE9lU7B_1NKjTWJUfJcnAw&cbp=12,34.96,,0,5.99



the top "new estate" (the Beeches) is on the site that was Harwood Pike`s haulage yard


the Mosborough Moor mine was just below the new houses on the right

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