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That cake really does need bringing in before it gets sodden. I would suggest it be put in a warm place (but not directly in front of a fire, you understand) until it thoroughly dries out.


And I'd like a slice of it please when it's ready.

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Dear Dr Sam,


In the words of Victor Meldrew 'I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!!'.


Yet AGAIN I have failed to win millions and millions of pounds on the National Lottery and so have been forced to drag myself out of bed in order to earn a crust.


How can this sorry situation be rectified?




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Originally posted by nomme

Dear Dr Sam,


In the words of Victor Meldrew 'I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!!'.


Yet AGAIN I have failed to win millions and millions of pounds on the National Lottery and so have been forced to drag myself out of bed in order to earn a crust.


How can this sorry situation be rectified?





Hmm, a tricky on this. My advice to you would be to convince yourself that you have actually won the biggie and live your life accordingly. Pack work in and live the life of luxury, but without the luxury, so to speak.


Use your imagination and when you are destitute, cold, damp, hungry and miserable, convince yourself that you are living it up on some sun-drenched beach in some exotic location.


Good luck. And congratulations on you big win.

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Im alas an addict :o

Addicted to the web and this blessed forum!

Is there some sort of rehab clinic for the forum obssessed to book into????? :D:P

I can feel my eyes crossing!!!!!!!!!! :wow:

Ps I wish to see some certificates as I believe you are not a true Dr :wink: xxx

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I too have failed to scoop the jackpot on the lottery,Ive followed all the instructions,chose the six numbers as required.

The ticket was handed over to the nice shop keeper and my pound handed over.


Then come saturday...nothing,not a bean.


Please help,what am I doing wrong?.


How am I going to pay for the olympic size pool and extention to the house now?.

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Dear Dr Sam


I am a busy city gentleman to whom time is money, and I was recently considering how I could become more efficient in my lifestyle. I have come to the conclusion that I could boost my productivity by up to a third if I stopped sleeping and stopped cooking food. Can you foresee any problems that I may encounter under this new, more efficient way of life?

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Originally posted by Mosherchik

Im alas an addict :o

Addicted to the web and this blessed forum!

Is there some sort of rehab clinic for the forum obssessed to book into????? :D:P

I can feel my eyes crossing!!!!!!!!!! :wow:

Ps I wish to see some certificates as I believe you are not a true Dr :wink: xxx


A recent survey showed that 73 out of every 74 people are addicted to the internet, with almost double that amount being addicted to the Sheffield Forum.


You could try turning off your computer and sucking Polo mints in an attempt to wean yourself away from this alarming addiction. I wouldn't recommend this, though. It can become extremely addictive. A recent newspaper report tells of a person who was getting through 62 packets of Polo mints a day and took to frequenting forums as a way of getting them out of the habit.


They are now cured, but are addicted to the internet.


Is it you?

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Originally posted by tango2

I too have failed to scoop the jackpot on the lottery,Ive followed all the instructions,chose the six numbers as required.

The ticket was handed over to the nice shop keeper and my pound handed over.


Then come saturday...nothing,not a bean.


Please help,what am I doing wrong?.


How am I going to pay for the olympic size pool and extention to the house now?.


Send the pool back and tell them you don't want it, then store all the water in the extension and put some fish in it. When they come round for their money, tell them they must be mistaken - you couldn't possibly have an extension - you don't have room because of the giant glass-fronted fish-pond.


Don't worry, this always works.

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