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Originally posted by nomme

Thanks Sam.

I have done some further research into this matter and it seems that an article in the Wall Street Journal reckons that the answer is 700 pounds.


Yes, you are quite right, but that is the figure for woodchucks chucking wood at sea level! 972.3 pounds is the correct figure calculated at the highest point on earth, the summit of Mount Everest


The thinner helps the woodchuck chuck much more wood, therefore this is the maximum load of wood that could be chucked by a woodchuck if it chucked wood. The only problem is the woodchuck couldn't survive without oxygen and the only wood on the summit is that of the various flagpoles that are waving about up there.


But, hypothetically, that is the answer.

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Originally posted by linlam

Dear Dr.Sam


I'm perplexed. For some reason, over the last few days, I've had, and succumbed, to the urge, of taking a shoe off in a public place, examining the nail varnish on my toes, and then tickling the sole of my foot to make me giggle. It doesn't, but I laugh and giggle anyway (I can't be seen having 'unable to tickle' fingers).

This morning however, after giggling hysterically, and calling 'stop, stop!' to myself; my hand obeyed, and stopped. But then, it went to my armpits, and started tickling me there.

How can I control this phenomenon:confused:


Spontaneous self-tickling syndrome (SSTS) is a fairly common condition and can be dealt with in several ways.


Amputation of the armpits and feet will instantly cure your problem, but is rather extreme, to say the least. The softer option is to have your fingers removed temporarily until the urge resides and then have them replaced when all is well.

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Originally posted by Daveyboy

dear Dr.sam


I have a bruise on my left leg (just below the knee) but I don’t know where it came form…now im to paranoid to leave the house in case I get another one what should I do…….


Can you not make it look like a tatoo by applying ink to it in an artistic manner?


Knee tatoos are all the rage at present, but, alas not in this country. You need to go to The Belgian Congo where you will melt into a crowd as they all have them there.


Have a nice trip.

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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

Yes, you are quite right, but that is the figure for woodchucks chucking wood at sea level! 972.3 pounds is the correct figure calculated at the highest point on earth, the summit of Mount Everest


The thinner helps the woodchuck chuck much more wood, therefore this is the maximum load of wood that could be chucked by a woodchuck if it chucked wood. The only problem is the woodchuck couldn't survive without oxygen and the only wood on the summit is that of the various flagpoles that are waving about up there.


But, hypothetically, that is the answer.

But a woodchuck can't chuck wood, so how does anyone know?

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Dear Dr.sam


Thank you so much for your advice its turned my entire life around you've made me realise its not bruise that counts but more the person behind the bruise, I went out side for the first time in 3 hours this afternoon all the way to the spar on the corner of division street and now that the fear has gone I may make it back to my car to drive home tonight…........again thank you Dr.sam

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