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Job Center dress code.

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Andy is just expressing his opinion here, and whilst it might be at odds with the majority, is there any need for silly pointless questions. ?


Personally I would say yes,as most questions posed are somewhat futile,and make the forum a little less like "The Brains Trust".Personally any person signing on should be assigned a potential job,such as a baker,and attend in white overalls caked in flour etc.

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Do you wear a suit & tie when you're gardening, Andy?


No, obviously I don't. However when I found myself in the unfortunate position of having to visit the job centre I did and on the basis of my experience dressing smartly helped me to get the best assistance from the young lady in question as outlined earlier in the thread. Is dressing smartly a guarantee of a job earning big pounds? No, of course not. Could it potentially help a keen person to stand out, yes. Given the job market ain't all that great at the minute anything that gives someone keen to find work an edge has got to be worth trying.

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They are signing on not ordering a brace from Fortnums.


Yes, they are signing on but they are signing to acknowledge that they are "seeking work" and are ready and prepared to attend an interview for that end. If they don't respect themselves and show it, how can they expect anyone else to respect them.............

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What about Self Respect though. I won't even pop to the shops without my lippy and decently dressed, much less go for an introduction to a possible employer.


but thats the generational thing coming out, you come from era when men and women did dress up....still, every day


men in shirts and jumpers, suits


its more casual these days, apart from the odd thing, such as meeting the bank manager for a loan , getting married / funeral or interview for a job

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but thats the generational thing coming out, you come from era when men and women did dress up....still, every day


men in shirts and jumpers, suits


its more casual these days, apart from the odd thing, such as meeting the bank manager for a loan , getting married / funeral or interview for a job


It's more of a snobby thing, some people like to think they're better than others because of how they dress. Most old people don't judge others on how they look.

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Yes, they are signing on but they are signing to acknowledge that they are "seeking work" and are ready and prepared to attend an interview for that end. If they don't respect themselves and show it, how can they expect anyone else to respect them.............


So a person who dresses scruffily lacks self-respect.That's a very superficial way of assessing ones self-esteem.Does this mean that all the Indians existing in distressed clothing on Mumbai's streets are dejected and to be pitied?

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