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Dilemma with political loyalties

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I'd be interested to hear other peoples experiences as I am sure that I am not the only person who has ever had this dilemma.


Put simply; are you better off being aligned to the party which most closely represents your political beliefs or the party which may not necessarily employ all of your beliefs but which is the only real contender to keeping out the other parties that really make your skin crawl?


I had a membership with a mainstream political party for a few years. I didn't much enjoy my experiences in meeting some prominent faces within the local structure and I often find myself disagreeing with both local and national policy. BUT there is a part of me that would plod the streets all day long posting leaflets etc to try to keep "the other lot" out of ruining everyone's future.


I did also visit a few meetings for another far smaller party. I find their policies more comfortable to sit with and although I know they will not have the influence of the party I was a member of, at least I would be happier knowing that my efforts and contributions are towards something I believe in.


I'm not going to reveal which side of the political spectrum I sit on because the thread isn't about that. I'm just someone who doesn't know which way is best to turn on the subject!


Should be some interesting debate..

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I think whoever you align yourself with you're going to be disappointed eventually.


Mainly because all politicians are self interested liars, but also the politics of running a country are often a game to please everyone which in reality only ends up being slightly useful but mostly useless.

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If voting changed anything they'd ban it. You're better off trying to make differences where you live and involving people who you live near and work with to make positive change. If you start small you never know where it might end up...

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Maybe if we didn't have the main two or three, but lots of smaller parties, things might be different.



Would it heck, if the government was composed of 20 smaller partys they'd just spend the whole time bickering and grouping into little gangs to try and press whatever agenda they have.

It'd be like kids in a schoolyard.

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I think whoever you align yourself with you're going to be disappointed eventually.


Sooner rather than later, unless you choose to blind yourself with ideological blinkers.


I prefer Norman Stanley Fletcher's approach:


RUDGE: "Whose side are you on, theirs or ours?"

FLETCHER: "Neither... mine".

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