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Dilemma with political loyalties

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Vote for what you beleive in,or near as possible to it,as for the general political situation nothing will ever change until we have real P R where all votes matter.


It depends which method.Do you favour the list system or the STV,or even the HGV?

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Vote for what you beleive in,or near as possible to it,as for the general political situation nothing will ever change until we have real P R where all votes matter.


Except black votes for you of course, what with you saying black people aren't allowed to British and everything.

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That was the same comment a young woman i know stated when we were having a conversation about the same subject,i replied by reminding her about the sacrifice Emmeline Pankhurst and the suffragettes had made.:)


Lots of people have made sacrifices in the name of democracy over the years, but I doubt any of them did so in the belief that 3 versions of the Tory party and some racists, all in hock to the 1%, would be end result.

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There's so little difference between the main political parties it hardly makes any sense to be a die hard loyalist for any of them. The minor political parties range from the ridiculous (UKIP) to the nauseating (BNP) and to be in favour of any of them you would have to be a die hard - and blinkered - loyalist. When it comes down to it though politics is no longer for the country but for the political parties - our MPs are utterly disconnected from the reality of life in Britain and care only about their petty squabbles. I doubt any of them can see further than the outer limits of that self contained and self perpetuating festering boil we know as Westminster.


Quoted for truth :)

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Lots of people have made sacrifices in the name of democracy over the years, but I doubt any of them did so in the belief that 3 versions of the Tory party and some racists, all in hock to the 1%, would be end result.
Its getting more difficult to tell the difference between the three main parties now,they are all so similar.In recent years i have been less certain about the right party to vote for,but i still vote and hope for the best,though often with some dissapointment at the outcome and choice of leader.
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Oh do get a life,you really are boring me.


I think when people utter the cliche get a life it indicates a paucity of argument,a vacuum where in others there are thoughts and ideas.Halibut is consistent but others are predictable.I find Halibuts posts interesting,your posts are rather unsurprising.

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Its getting more difficult to tell the difference between the three main parties now,they are all so similar.In recent years i have been less certain about the right party to vote for,but i still vote and hope for the best,though often with some dissapointment at the outcome and choice of leader.


Usually when something repeatedly fails to deliver what we want and need out of it we start thinking about replacing it with something that will. I find it a bit baffling that when it comes to liberal democracy, lots of people still seem happy to put the coin in the slot and not have the satisfaction of the 'ker-chunk' of the choccy bar being delivered. Although as time goes by, more and more people seem to be making a conscious (not apathetic) choice to spurn the current political model. I do genuinely believe that it's time to end the situation where we are ruled by people we don't actually want, and instead do it for ourselves, among ourselves.


It would require radical change, but all the old political certainties have gone, we have a political global elite who consistently side with the ultra-rich against the general population and who are totally out of touch - the field is wide open as far as I can see; we could take back control if we really wanted to.

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