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Are You A Working Class Tory?

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Love to know what working class means to people though.

Or indeed whether people are bothered how they are classified

According to conventional metrics (education, profession, income), I'd probably be classified middle- to upper-middle class.


Yet, like you I suppose, I have an essentially-classless social circle, ranging from stay-at-homes and surgery receptionists to senior surgeons (head of surgery at a regional hospital) and senior law firm partners.


Classes mean nothing to me, individuals do. But then I'm not British.


My Dad was as "working class" as it gets, my Mum was "middle class", I was born at the halfway between working class and middle class (working class Dad having an entrepreneurial go), have in my youth been upper middle class (when entrepreneurship was working out) and working-class-to-the point-of-utter-destitution (clothes on your back-level, when entrepreneurship was not working out) and levels in-between.


Wealth and statute come and go, and are essentially irrelevant these days (as a point of 'class comparison'): we live in a vastly more dynamic world than our forefathers ever did.

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What a totally pointless initial question on this thread. Just to clarify I am most certainly a working class Tory. (I've not always voted Tory, before you shoot me down)


Why would I vote Tory...? Well, it's got nothing to do with you. I don't hear those that 'always' voted Labour regardless, getting asked why they vote Labour all the time...? It's like there's some stigma if you vote Tory. Well, I'm a free thinker and I've decided for myself. There's no point is arguing politics with anyone that always votes Labour regardless. It's like arguing with a woman.....! Yes, I really did stereotype there. But if you don't understand humour....!

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