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Are You A Working Class Tory?

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None of the mainstream parties will get my next vote i am fed up with the lot of them . The party that sorts out what started off as a "common market" will get mine, when we voted no mention was made of a common government.

Any party that PROMISES to get us out of Europe will get my vote.

Except the Tory party who give with one hand and take with the other.

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I've voted for all 3 parties at different times and don't consider myself as belonging to any one in particular.


I'm a businessman so I'm more inclinced to agree with the Conservative ideology than the Labour one.


I'm from a working class background - a mining family - where everyone always votes Labour for no good reason other than they beilieve it's the party for them and Conservatives are for posh folk. Whatever that means?

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Yep I work and I voted Conservative last time, although I am not a 'Tory'. I would probably vote for them again unless some brand new party comes in.


I am financially conservative, want small government and socially liberal as in I don't care what other people do/believe/look like as long as it doesn't harm me. Unfortunately the liberals are not very liberal and the Conservatives are not very small government any more so I just vote for best fit. What I do hate though is the fact that the opposition parties whoever that is at the time just disagree with any policy put forward by the governement for the sake of it.


I also hate people who vote for the same party time after time when with no consideration of whether their policies benefit them or benefit society.


---------- Post added 05-02-2013 at 10:35 ----------


Agree with your second 2 sentences but don't think I could bring myself to vote Tory.


Who would you vote for then? Why is there no liberal party in the UK? Or anywhere for that matter?

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Yep I work and I voted Conservative last time, although I am not a 'Tory'. I would probably vote for them again unless some brand new party comes in.


I am financially conservative, want small government and socially liberal as in I don't care what other people do/believe/look like as long as it doesn't harm me. Unfortunately the liberals are not very liberal and the Conservatives are not very small government any more so I just vote for best fit. What I do hate though is the fact that the opposition parties whoever that is at the time just disagree with any policy put forward by the governement for the sake of it.


I also hate people who vote for the same party time after time when with no consideration of whether their policies benefit them or benefit society.


---------- Post added 05-02-2013 at 10:35 ----------



Who would you vote for then? Why is there no liberal party in the UK? Or anywhere for that matter?


I'd vote for one of the smaller parties just to be able to say that I had used my vote. I'm in the Hillsborough ward so am under no illusions as to which party my MP will be from next time.:)


Labour have alot to say about how the current government are tackling things but don't seem to have any firm policies other than to cut VAT and spend more.


Part of me wishes Labour had been elected in 2010 so that they could have sorted out the mess the country was left in but probably we would be in a bigger mess by now.


It'll be interesting to see how UKIP emerge over the next couple of years as for me they are the only party that seem to be willing to address the important issues. They are seen as a one trick pony at the moment over Europe and whilst this is important for disillusioned Tories, recent by election results have shown that they are beginning to appeal to the Labour vote.

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Definition wise I should vote libdem as I'm a libertarian capitalist geezer who believes in social inclusion, education for all, free trade with minimal state intervention. But I won't vote for libdem in reality because they sold out.

Next would be Labour, last would be conservative who I disagree with 90% of the time. The only good thing the cons are doing is looking at provision for enterprise.


Non of the mainstream parties properly represent my views so I'll vote Labour next time simply to get the conservatives out of government.


---------- Post added 05-02-2013 at 11:25 ----------


I'd vote for one of the smaller parties just to be able to say that I had used my vote. I'm in the Hillsborough ward so am under no illusions as to which party my MP will be from next time.:)


Labour have alot to say about how the current government are tackling things but don't seem to have any firm policies other than to cut VAT and spend more.


Part of me wishes Labour had been elected in 2010 so that they could have sorted out the mess the country was left in but probably we would be in a bigger mess by now.


It'll be interesting to see how UKIP emerge over the next couple of years as for me they are the only party that seem to be willing to address the important issues. They are seen as a one trick pony at the moment over Europe and whilst this is important for disillusioned Tories, recent by election results have shown that they are beginning to appeal to the Labour vote.


Agree. Labour are a bit too wishy washy at the mo. Hopefully they will get it together by the next manifesto.

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Definition wise I should vote libdem as I'm a libertarian capitalist geezer who believes in social inclusion, education for all, free trade with minimal state intervention. But I won't vote for libdem in reality because they sold out.

Next would be Labour, last would be conservative who I disagree with 90% of the time. The only good thing the cons are doing is looking at provision for enterprise.


Non of the mainstream parties properly represent my views so I'll vote Labour next time simply to get the conservatives out of government.


---------- Post added 05-02-2013 at 11:25 ----------



Agree. Labour are a bit too wishy washy at the mo. Hopefully they will get it together by the next manifesto.


Likewise, I will vote conservative to keep Labour out of power, even though my vote is pretty useless as everyone around here votes Labour because their granddad did.

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Likewise, I will vote conservative to keep Labour out of power, even though my vote is pretty useless as everyone around here votes Labour because their granddad did.


TBH I'm not sure we will be any better under any of the main parties. There all cut from the same cloth.

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