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Gay marriage - is it any of your damned business?

Is it any of my business?  

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  1. 1. Is it any of my business?

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It isn't those who oppose gay marriage who are the bigots - it is the liberals who demonise them


a leading opponent of gay marriage, described how he had been called a Nazi and a bigot and subjected to death threats because of his views.


Gay Marriage Could Turn Britain Into Nazi Germany, Lord Carey Tells Rally At Conservative Party Conference.


He also warned that those of faith could even begin to experience the persecution endured by the Jews in Nazi Germany if they dared to speak out if same-sex marriage laws were passed.


"Remember that the Jews in Nazi Germany, what started it against them was when they were called names, that was the first stage towards that totalitarian state," he said.



Wouldn't it be nice if people were less emotional on subjects such as this, a civil debate with both sides accepting and understanding each other’s views is the best approach. :)

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Wouldn't it be nice if people were less emotional on subjects such as this, a civil debate with both sides accepting and understanding each other’s views is the best approach. :)


You post a link to support you view with the title "Gay Marriage Could Turn Britain Into Nazi Germany" and then say "wouldn't it be nice if people were less emotional on subjects such as this?"


Comedy gold.

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Wouldn't it be nice if people were less emotional on subjects such as this, a civil debate with both sides accepting and understanding each other’s views is the best approach. :)


What I would like you understand Mr. Smith is that if homophobic and bigoted statments are made they will be challenged to the max!

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You post a link to support you view with the title "Gay Marriage Could Turn Britain Into Nazi Germany" and then say "wouldn't it be nice if people were less emotional on subjects such as this?"


Comedy gold.


It doesn’t support my stance on gay marriage; it supports my stance that both sides of the argument are as bad as each other. :)

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I only touched on this briefly, but I think the social and symbolic aspect of having a different word for a same sex union than for an opposite sex union, is the most important issue.


I think it's the most important aspect too.


Because there is no practical reason to identify difference between two people when they choose to be married to each other, to single out gay people for this treatment is exactly analogous with different seats for black people, different proms for gay people, or just pinning pink badges on them.


It turns my stomach to here arguments in support of such discrimination, particularly when I hear the "different but equal" nonsense.

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Utterly excellent.

Thanks, it gets better...


In this world of "seats & places", same sex marriage is permitted and was accepted a long time ago.

Two men have a conversation, man "A" and man "B";


A: I think it's about time that blacks were allowed to use seats and not call them a "place"


B: But it's traditional for whites only to have "seats". What difference does it make? The blacks still get the same thing


A: It used to be traditional for marriage to be only for straights


B: Oh there you go with your straw men, you can't compare it to gays, they were discriminated against for years! The situation's nothing like what they had to put up with


A: But isn't forcing blacks to call their seat a "place" discriminatory?


B: No, because it is equal, they have the same rights, they get to sit in the same seat, it just gets a different name because they are different

Wouldn't it be nice if people were less emotional on subjects such as this, a civil debate with both sides accepting and understanding each other’s views is the best approach. :)


B: I don't know why you're getting so emotional about it, why can't you understand my views and accept them?


A: I'm trying to understand them, but you haven't given any rational explanation for them. While ever one group is being discriminated against by the other, I can't accept those views to be okay


B: So you're discriminating against my views? What about whites? If blacks get to call their seats "seats" that will be discriminating against whites!

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Is it any of your damned business if two people you don't know want to get married?




gay 'marriage' most certainly undermines 'marriage'. Gay 'marriage' is an attempt by a severe minority to redefine something that did not originate in their house. Neither can there be such a thing as 'straight marriage'...there is only 'marriage'...the union of a man and a woman before God.

Why would someone who calls themselves 'gay' in opposition to 'heterosexual' want to interfere in something that is clearly not for gays. Call it what you like, but you cannot call it 'marriage'.

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gay 'marriage' most certainly undermines 'marriage'. Gay 'marriage' is an attempt by a severe minority to redefine something that did not originate in their house. Neither can there be such a thing as 'straight marriage'...there is only 'marriage'...the union of a man and a woman before God.

Why would someone who calls themselves 'gay' in opposition to 'heterosexual' want to interfere in something that is clearly not for gays. Call it what you like, but you cannot call it 'marriage'.


You can call it whatever you like John. That is how freedom of speech works.

However, I don't see the OED beating a path to your door with the offer of employment. ;)

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