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Gay marriage - is it any of your damned business?

Is it any of my business?  

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  1. 1. Is it any of my business?

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I think you misunderstand that; you can’t have hymns or readings from the Bible in a register office but you can if you have a religious ceremony in a church which applies equally to both gay and straight couples.


No, I understood it clearly...



Civil partnerships in religious buildings: the Equality Act 2010

When enacted, the CPA 2004 prohibited civil partnership registrations taking place on religious premises. However, as a consequence of the implementation of section 202 of the Equality Act 2010 (EA 2010) and associated regulations, civil partnerships can now be registered in religious buildings but religious services cannot be used while this is being done.

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This debate is just going round in circles and neither side has been able to convince those who disagree with them of the validity of their arguments for or against.



Is it surprising when guff like the following is typed? I think it was referred to as "absurd" previously, and a kind gesture at that.


The ceremony isn't different it’s just the name that different, using Rosy Parks as an example, she would have been able to sit on any seat she liked but whist sat on it, it would be a black persons seat, once she moved and a white person sat on it, it would be called a white person seat, if she came back and sat on it again, it would once again be called a black persons seat. Same seat different name. Silly I know, but not discrimination.
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And I suspect there are more of them so it makes sense to discriminate against the minority and not the majority. :)


Allowing person A to do something that causes no harm to anybody else cannot be discrimination to person B.


Not allowing person A to do something that causes no harm to anybody else, merely because person B doesn't like it, is discrimination to person A.


No religious person, or religious organisation, is being discriminated against by allowing same-sex marriage. It merely removes discrimination. It even removes religious discrimination because there are some religious organisations that do want to extend wedding ceremonies to everybody.

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Spot on Esme.


'You're black, sit at the black' and 'You're gay, you can't get married' - both are clear examples of discrimination.


"You can sit on the bus, they use the same seats at the back as they do on the front"


"You can have a civil partnership, it's the same as marriage, just a different word"


Both are clear examples of crap

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So people loving each other is not a reason for getting married.


Because it's traditional that people marry for other reasons.


These are good traditions are they, we need to keep them ?

Your words not mine.


Really, you have statistics of all 7 billion people ?


Why would I need statistics?

If gay marriages were accepted as the norm globally then there would be more of them and we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

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"You can sit on the bus, they use the same seats at the back as they do on the front"


"You can have a civil partnership, it's the same as marriage, just a different word"


Both are clear examples of crap


Different, but equal, crap.



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Perhaps some of us believe in the natural flow of marriage without being religious. A man and a woman creating and raising children. She with the skills of motherhood, and he with the skills of providing for them. It's an old fashioned concept I know, but stood the test of time. Let the homosexuals have a ceremony that gives them all the rights of marriage but don't call it that, cos it isn't. Check your OED.


Ah, another well thought out argument of "marriage is currently this way, that's why it should stay this way"

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Perhaps some of us believe in the natural flow of marriage without being religious. A man and a woman creating and raising children. She with the skills of motherhood, and he with the skills of providing for them. It's an old fashioned concept I know, but stood the test of time. Let the homosexuals have a ceremony that gives them all the rights of marriage but don't call it that, cos it isn't. Check your OED.


Like calling the back of the bus the 'non white seating' instead of 'blacks only'.

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A question for those who think making gay marriage available is a huge waste of time, money and resources because they already have civil partnerships (as already mentioned many times on this thread)...


Do you not think it was a bigger and more pointless waste of time, money and resources for them to invent a new, different relationship status (civil partnership) complete with it's own registration system and rules in the FIRST place, instead of just making the existing marriage system more inclusive?

AFTER spending lots of time, money and resources debating and arguing about it before hand?

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Sometimes it's this way ...


Perhaps some of us believe in the natural flow of marriage without being religious. A man and a woman creating and raising children. She with the skills of motherhood, and he with the skills of providing for them. It's an old fashioned concept I know, but stood the test of time. Let the homosexuals have a ceremony that gives them all the rights of marriage but don't call it that, cos it isn't. Check your OED.


... and sometimes it this way ...


Historically it marriage was about the unification of two families or clans, and many marriages still have little to do with love.


Sometimes it's love, sometimes it's money, sometimes it's lust, sometimes it's convenience, sometimes it's company, sometimes it's not even chosen, sometimes it about power, sometimes it's random, sometimes it lasts a lifetime, sometimes it lasts less than a day.


Even those that have the arrogance to tell us that what it can be can't decide amongst themselves what True Marriage is, and by the evidence of some research they can't even make it last as long.


If two adults want to make a commitment to be with each other for the rest of their lives, then that's a marriage, whether anybody thinks it is or not.

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