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Gay marriage - is it any of your damned business?

Is it any of my business?  

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  1. 1. Is it any of my business?

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It's an opinion formed based on the logic that anyone who argues to maintain discrimination against gay couples must have some problem with them.
No one as argued to maintain discrimination because there is no discrimination, you have formed an opinion that there is and decided that everyone with a different opinion wants to discriminate against gay people so therefore deserve to be abused. It’s your bigoted attitude that you are right whilst people with different opinion are wrong that leads you to abuse them; if we all did the same as you we would all just abuse each other. Fortunately some of us understand that opinions are neither right nor wrong and that everyone is entitled to express their opinion without being abused for holding such an opinion. .




And regarding Buck it was formed on the basis that he "doesn't wish to see two men kissing" and "wouldn't attend a gay wedding".

Simply disagreeing with me doesn't make you a homophobe, arguing to maintain discriminatory practices against them makes me think that someone is.

I don't want to see you running round the street naked but that doesn't mean I fear or dislike you, so wouldn’t make me Cycloneaphobic.



It's fortunate then that I haven't abused anyone.

In your opinion.



That doesn't make sense.

It does, you claimed I had agreed to something that I hadn't agreed with.



You've already admitted that there is not, are you now backtracking

It would appear that you don't even understand your own statements.

In a completely different context, discrimination exists in all walks of life but because marriage and civil partnerships are equal in law there is no discrimination.



This is your whole sentence


It clearly says that another group of people will be discriminated against.

Are you going to explain who this other group is?


Again you are taking it out of context,



I've agree that discrimination exists in all aspects of life and that it’s not possible to remove it. It the level of discrimination that matters and they aren't decimated against to the point of it being unfair or a disadvantage. And the new proposals still don’t remove that discrimination because to do would just discriminated against another group of people.


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It's better if that is the thing you want to do.


If I had a choice between eggs and ham, and the state said I couldn't have ham because I was gay - then I'd want a good reason for not being allowed my choice. "Better" is subjective.


Eggs and ham are different, civil partnership and marriage is the same, neither one is better or worse than the other. Like two eggs but with different names it wouldn’t matter which egg you ate because they are both the same.

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Things are already equal because marriage isn’t better. If you can't explain why marriage is better than a civil partnership then they must be equal and not discriminatory.


---------- Post added 08-02-2013 at 15:57 ----------



What part of it are you having difficulty with and I will try to dumb it down for you.


Max, that was a needless dig.


I have been back through this entire thread three times now and done my level best to follow your logic. To be frank I feel like I'm stuck in a revolving door.

If you're going to dumb it down please do it intelligibly because I would like to be able to say I see where you're coming from on this issue. :)

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Seeing as you are concerned with authority, who gives you the authority to decide what is and isn't significant discrimination?
It’s not my authority, civil partnerships were created to remove discrimination and in law they are the same as marriage.

Generally speaking (not aimed at you Max) it takes a peculiar arrogance to discount the voice of those who are suffering the discrimination whilst sitting comfortably in the entitled group.


You seem very happy with your devil's advocacy Max, whilst maintaining your own indifferent neutrality. Out of curiosity can you see the argument in favour of same-sex marriage as clearly as you profess to grasp the position against?


Yes, but there is little point in being on that side of the fence because the discussion would end.

The only difference between the two sides on here is the members against gay marriage haven’t abused the members for gay marriage.


---------- Post added 08-02-2013 at 16:29 ----------


Are you attempting to backtrack on this statement, you finally accepted that it's discriminator, and now you seem to have regressed back to page 2 where you were claiming that excluding a group of people from marriage isn't discrimination.

It's plain to everyone that it is.


Nope that’s just your misunderstanding of my posts, if you would like me to clarify anything I will try.

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The part I highlighted tells me things about you that I wish I didn't know Buck.


I'm open minded enough to accept you for your bigotry and wish you well. :thumbsup:


Just because he doesn't like some thing it doesn't make him a bigot. phew! if anyone doesn't agree with something on this forum, your either called a bigot or a troll. :huh:

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