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Paul Mckenna. Hypnotherapy gastric band

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Hi Eskimo - The Paul McKenna book has undoubtedly helped some people but for many it will fall wide of the mark because it is made for the mass audience not specifically for you. This can mean that there is a lack of relevancy for you and your eating habits which means the things he talk about can lack power.

Plus Paul McKenna only has 4 techniques! He does the same thing over and over again regardless of what your issue is. True, these techniques can be applied in many different situations but it is essential to have a greater selection of methods and to match those to the individual's needs.

His aversion technique ("imagine there's a big hairy spider under the wrapper of your favourite chocolate bar ...) sounds impressive but rarely delivers long term results.


The 'active ingredient' in all hypnotic gastric band procedures is usually the hypnosis for weight loss that comes before the 'operation'. It is in this phase that habits should be addressed and better alternatives identified.

If you are hungry an hour after eating you are either eating a very small portion or you are eating low quality food or you are imagining that you are hungry but aren't actually hungry.


If you would like to discuss things in more detail you are welcome to give me a call, I offer a free 20 minute no obligation chat.



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I'm confused here ... I really like Paul McKenna ... he's a showman, but very intelligent (a very good artist as well) ... I'd like him as a friend. I don't think it's possible to 'hypnotise' people, but that's just from people trying it out on me (which didn't work, obviously ... that's why I'm sceptical).

Surely, if hypnotism worked, it'd solve a lot of problems? (hopefully, the hypnotist having 'good' in them).

I don't watch the telly very much, but am intrigued by him and try to watch. I can't work it out ... is it just trickery, or something else? I know he sometimes explains how he's done stuff, which is very clever. Is it possible, by mind suggestion, to alter the way a person functions? I know it is with CBT and stuff, but hypnotism ... not sure. Perhaps it's the same thing though? Very confused.

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Hi Alcoblog. Have you ever daydreamed? Been off with the fairies? Gone onto "automatic pilot" while driving a car? You were in a hypnotic trance. It is a state of focused attention that we are all biologically and psychologically capable of going into. If you are aware of someone deliberately trying to hypnotise you it is possible to resist and prevent yourself from going into trance.


If you aren't aware of hypnotic techniques being used then it can be harder to prevent. Marketers often use hypnotic techniques to sell their wares in adverts and the same techniques recently popped up in Obama's inauguration speech.


Hypnosis does work to some extent for many people and has a huge capacity for helping people. The problem comes from, in my opinion, those who use the techniques to make people look stupid in stage shows. Hypnosis was recognised as an official part of medicine by the British Medical Association in the 1950's but through GPs not being properly trained in its use many continue to think of it as mumbo jumbo but this is based usually on prejudice and very little (if any) personal experience.

If you are interested in hypnosis and how it can be used then I recommend you avoid McKenna who is a 4 trick pony and go to his teacher Richard Bandler. This guy is amazing at what he does and the changes he helps people make. Check him out on Youtube.


Finally, a study done in 2009 proves that hypnosis is real and does have an effect http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8359170.stm

CBT is a bit like hypnosis without trance and undoubtedly helps many people. It is a conscious reassessing and reprocessing of belief which can lead to change. Hypnosis helps people unconsciously change those same things.

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Hi Alcoblog. Have you ever daydreamed? Been off with the fairies? Gone onto "automatic pilot" while driving a car? You were in a hypnotic trance. It is a state of focused attention that we are all biologically and psychologically capable of going into. If you are aware of someone deliberately trying to hypnotise you it is possible to resist and prevent yourself from going into trance.


If you aren't aware of hypnotic techniques being used then it can be harder to prevent. Marketers often use hypnotic techniques to sell their wares in adverts and the same techniques recently popped up in Obama's inauguration speech.


Hypnosis does work to some extent for many people and has a huge capacity for helping people. The problem comes from, in my opinion, those who use the techniques to make people look stupid in stage shows. Hypnosis was recognised as an official part of medicine by the British Medical Association in the 1950's but through GPs not being properly trained in its use many continue to think of it as mumbo jumbo but this is based usually on prejudice and very little (if any) personal experience.

If you are interested in hypnosis and how it can be used then I recommend you avoid McKenna who is a 4 trick pony and go to his teacher Richard Bandler. This guy is amazing at what he does and the changes he helps people make. Check him out on Youtube.


Finally, a study done in 2009 proves that hypnosis is real and does have an effect http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8359170.stm

CBT is a bit like hypnosis without trance and undoubtedly helps many people. It is a conscious reassessing and reprocessing of belief which can lead to change. Hypnosis helps people unconsciously change those same things.


Thanks Mr. Hypno for taking time out to reply. I'm very interested in what you do. I'm not being sarcastic here (just the way I write).

I'd be very interested in talking to you. As you point out, I can see the similarities between CBT and hypnotism (I know CBT works, but am unsure about hypnotism). Pardon me if I PM you.

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Hi Alcoblog, No problem on having a chat. I provide a free no obligation chat (either face to face or on the phone/skype). I also have a free relaxation mp3 for people to try before they buy.


You can download it here: http://sheffield-hypnosis.co.uk/free-download


There is included in this download a free PDF report called "10 things you MUST know before getting hypnotherapy". This is designed to help anyone interested in hypnosis to look for the right kind of things in the hypnotherapist they are interested in working with.


It also helps you to to ask the right kind of questions of your hypnotherapist so you have the best chance of getting someone professional, ethical and (hopefully!) effective.


I look forward to getting your PM

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