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Advice needed on problem neighbours


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Hello :) First post since joining so bear with me!


From reading your post it seems you and your daughter are in an extremely difficult position.


To cut to the chase, there is no such offence as threatening behaviour. In relation to Harassment. This is an offence where somebody pursues a course of conduct likely to amount of the said offence.


To pursue this course of conduct you need to have evidence - to simply say their dog did this, they have said this which is not true etc is not good enough.


You would need to prove that they are harassing your daughter in an effort to cause deliberate distress, upset etc. If they make a complaint regarding your daughter to the council and the council write to you then same goes for them - for anything to happen they need to have evidence.


Before this all gets out of hand you need to speak to the council and ask them for a meeting regarding the situation. Outline what is going on, what your concerns are and have it put on record that you and your daughter do not believe this to be the case. A council cannot throw you out of a property because of compalints from neighbours - there needs to be physical proof of this too.


Unfortunately it seems like its swings and roundabouts for both parties here and one which will not be resolved anytime soon.


I cant see why you called the police regarding a dog being in the garden? You dont state the dog has attacked anyone so cant quite see how it is dangerous at the minute - should have been an outright call to the council for the dog warden and to the homes department to inform them of the damage to the fence.


As I say a difficult situation to be in but something that wont go away anytime soon.


Notify the council of the issues and keep an audio/visual diary when threats, damage occurs. This will provide proper evidence of issues and help authorities to resolve it a lot quicker than table-tennis allegations that will go on and on for a long time.


N.B I speak from experience in many neighbourhood/council/law issues :)


the neighbours dogs try to attack my daughters placid dog through the fence when first moved in

and the neighbour has admitted to my daughter back in oct , and the police today, that they dont like other dogs and will attack if given the chance!

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Unfortunately there is no offence in law for a dog attacking another dog. Also no offence for owners to say that given the chance they will attack another dog.


In relation to Warrior8 saying "you don't need a solicitor to make an allegation of harrasment or threatening behaviour. You just need to contact the police."


As I have already said, there is no offence of "threatening behaviour" and harassment is when someone pursues a course of conduct which amounts to that offence, is intentional and causes alarm or distress - them making a report against your daughter is not harassment.


Speak to the council, try and sort the situation out, voice your concerns and work together with them - if not look at getting your daughter moved.

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Unfortunately there is no offence in law for a dog attacking another dog. Also no offence for owners to say that given the chance they will attack another dog.


In relation to Warrior8 saying "you don't need a solicitor to make an allegation of harrasment or threatening behaviour. You just need to contact the police."


As I have already said, there is no offence of "threatening behaviour" and harassment is when someone pursues a course of conduct which amounts to that offence, is intentional and causes alarm or distress - them making a report against your daughter is not harassment.


Speak to the council, try and sort the situation out, voice your concerns and work together with them - if not look at getting your daughter moved.


i am contacting the council tomoz on her behalf as she is in no fit mental state with all this stress, and i believe it is law to keep your dogs under contrl at all times which includes having a secure garden so they cant damage fence to get through and attack my daughters dog, in pack instinct as have tried to before, luckily my daughters dog is not agressive/not noisy,is well trained on and off the lead, as other neighbours dogs dissapear to her house for playtime, :love::love::love:,

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You don't need a solicitor to make an allegation of harrasment or threatening behaviour. You just need to contact the police.


It may be useful if you keep a diary of all of these issues (with dates) and any evidence.


Are you speaking from experience or just what you believe is the way the 'system' works - trust me SYP probably won't be bothered no matter what evidence you have (speaking from experience)

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So you are saying that it is fine and no law against:


1. Someone to damage your property?


2. Someone to allow their dog to attack another?


3. Neighbour to make excessive noise while early hours of the morning? (after 11pm)


4. To falsely make letters pretending to be council officials?


5. To stop someone from having quiet enjoyment of their property?


6. To be threatened by another?


7. To be mentally stressed by another's deliberate wrong doings?

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Unfortunately there is no offence in law for a dog attacking another dog. Also no offence for owners to say that given the chance they will attack another dog.


In relation to Warrior8 saying "you don't need a solicitor to make an allegation of harrasment or threatening behaviour. You just need to contact the police."


As I have already said, there is no offence of "threatening behaviour" and harassment is when someone pursues a course of conduct which amounts to that offence, is intentional and causes alarm or distress - them making a report against your daughter is not harassment.


Speak to the council, try and sort the situation out, voice your concerns and work together with them - if not look at getting your daughter moved.


Really? Are you not aware of s4 Public Order Act?


A person is guilty if he either


a) uses towards another person THREATENING, abusive or insulting words or BEHAVIOUR, or

b) distributes to another person any writing or sign which is threatening, abusive or insulting


and either


i) he intends to cause that person to believe that immediate unlawful violence will be used against him or another by any person or to provoke such immediate violence, or

ii) it is likely that the person will believe that such violence will be used against him, or it is likely that such violence will be provoked."

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Are you speaking from experience or just what you believe is the way the 'system' works - trust me SYP probably won't be bothered no matter what evidence you have (speaking from experience)


I know what I am talking about. Why not leave it at that.


Fair enough, it was a straight forward question and at the same time putting my experience forward in support of my involving SYP in a past encounter.

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Really? Are you not aware of s4 Public Order Act?


A person is guilty if he either


a) uses towards another person THREATENING, abusive or insulting words or BEHAVIOUR, or

b) distributes to another person any writing or sign which is threatening, abusive or insulting


and either


i) he intends to cause that person to believe that immediate unlawful violence will be used against him or another by any person or to provoke such immediate violence, or

ii) it is likely that the person will believe that such violence will be used against him, or it is likely that such violence will be provoked."




You can also contact Environmental Health Dept.

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