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2p used to go a long way in the 70s


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In the 60s a pound had 20 shillings and a shilling had 12d - pennies (not pence). I still have lots of them, and a ten shilling note somewhere, and use them sometimes in my teaching (I'm an English teacher).


I can remember that Bazooka Joe (bubble gum) were a happeny each, and individual large sized Wine Gums were 4 a penny. Old money went so far, even then. When it changed to metric many of those cheaper items doubled or quadrupled in price instantly. Bloody EU! Even as a kid I realised the power of economics. The new money itself looked soooo cheap - still does. And can you remember how big the pound notes used to be? They shrank in size to almost nothing before becomming a coin.


Still, 2p used to go a long way in the 70s.


I can remember buying 5 packets of crisps (2p each) for 10p in High Storrs School tuckshop at break time (1973). Mars Bars cost 2 and a 1/2p, I think. I ate such everyday, so did everyone else, and no one ever got fat (can't imagine what all these fatties are eating today).


It was also 2p on the bus to anywhere for years thoughout the 70s.


I don't live in Sheffield (or even the UK) now but something tells me it costs a bit more.

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I suggest you talk to a maths teacher who could probably explain inflation to you. :D


I don't see how you can blame anyone else other than shopkeepers for the price rises following metrication especially as the EU didn't exist then.:loopy:


Incidentally, I assume, judging by your spelling and grammar, it's English Lit you teach not English Language.;)

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Originally posted by max

Incidentally, I assume, judging by your spelling and grammar, it's English Lit you teach not English Language.;)


That's a bit harsh, isn't it? Poor old Rupert's only trying to start a thread reminiscing about his childhood and look what he gets for his trouble.


I can only see two obvious spelling mistakes in his post, plus a couple of dodgy commas. That's way better than average for this forum.


I thought we weren't bothered about grammar, punctuation etc, anyway? When I first joined I politely pointed out a rogue apostrophe in a thread heading and was almost tarred and feathered for it.

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Guess a shouldn'ta said I wer un Ingurish teacher... and dontcha know, Internet English is more like the spoken style, although not. It is developing as an independent medium.


becomming - becoming

thoughout - throughout


I type too fast for my own good - but - wrist slapped ...


And, if my math teacher were smarter he would have studied economics ...

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Originally posted by max

I suggest you talk to a maths teacher who could probably explain inflation to you. :D


I don't see how you can blame anyone else other than shopkeepers for the price rises following metrication especially as the EU didn't exist then.:loopy:


Incidentally, I assume, judging by your spelling and grammar, it's English Lit you teach not English Language.;)

and there was me thinking the forum was open to all:confused:

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I too remember the 60s when Mars Bars were 4d, return train fare to school 6d. I used to walk the 3 miles home to save 3d so I could buy 3d worth of broken biscuits. I still have a Corgi Model T Ford from 1965 which cost 9/6d and a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost from 1966 which cost 15/-. (Unfortunately, I haven't kept the original pakaging as they would now be worth several hundred pounds.)


Doing my 11+ and my father giving me his RAF watch as a reward (It promptly stopped so he took it back).


Anyone remember TeleOptics? They cost about 19/11 and clipped on the front of the TV to give the impression of a larger screen. My father used to flog them out of the back of his car.


Lyons Maid ice cream machines outside of the Co-op where you could buy an ice cream for 3d.


And £5, an unheard of sum in those days, bought the family assisted passage to NZ.

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Can anyone remember Spangles the sweets.


I remember buying the wafer bars and penny bubblies after being a primary school in the 70`s.

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Originally posted by rosie

Can anyone remember Spangles the sweets.



If you sucked them for too long you could end up with a sharp shard of Spangle which could give a nasty cut. Best to chew before that happened.

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