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2p used to go a long way in the 70s


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I am sure I remember only paying 2d for our bus fares to school in the sixties. And usually the bus was full and there would be lots of pushing and shoving and we often got away without paying the fare. More money for sweets and potato puffs.

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enjoyed reading all about my past in these threads! what about mojos? sweet cigerettes and the icecream you used to get from the icecream man - were they called a screwball, they had a bubbly in the bottom and came in a plastic cone shape.

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Talk about 2p going a long way in the 70's. When I was a nipper in the 50's I was lucky to see 2d ( that's old money) I remember once having a penny but it fell through a hole in my pocket and rolled down Champ's Hill, (Brunswick Rd if you are not familiar with Pitsmoor) that the farthest I could make a penny go. We were so poor we had to live in a shoebox with no lid on it. My Dad had to work 28 hours a day 8 day's a week for nothing and pay the gaffer 3d a week for the privledge.

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  • 1 year later...
I suggest you talk to a maths teacher who could probably explain inflation to you. :D


I don't see how you can blame anyone else other than shopkeepers for the price rises following metrication especially as the EU didn't exist then.:loopy:


Incidentally, I assume, judging by your spelling and grammar, it's English Lit you teach not English Language.;)


I seem to think the EU did exist — without us. I also think that far from blaming shop-keepers (you missed a hyphen in your spelling. Menswear okay, swimwear okay but shop-keeper has a hyphen) you should be blaming the government of that day. Shop-keepers didn’t force the metric system upon us, and didn’t create the inflation it caused. 100p to the £ caused that.


And by the way, please try to refrain from sarcastic remarks about spelling. I wouldn’t mind if you actually knew anything about it, but you obviously don’t.

If you’d had a bad day you shouldn’t have been taking it out on a forumer. You should have gone home and kicked the wife.

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I too remember the 60s when Mars Bars were 4d, return train fare to school 6d. I used to walk the 3 miles home to save 3d so I could buy 3d worth of broken biscuits. I still have a Corgi Model T Ford from 1965 which cost 9/6d and a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost from 1966 which cost 15/-. (Unfortunately, I haven't kept the original pakaging as they would now be worth several hundred pounds.)


Doing my 11+ and my father giving me his RAF watch as a reward (It promptly stopped so he took it back).


Anyone remember TeleOptics? They cost about 19/11 and clipped on the front of the TV to give the impression of a larger screen. My father used to flog them out of the back of his car.


Lyons Maid ice cream machines outside of the Co-op where you could buy an ice cream for 3d.


And £5, an unheard of sum in those days, bought the family assisted passage to NZ.[/QUOT E] dont fergit the c in packaging

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hey pitsmoorboy lol, i used to live up pitsmoor before i moved up here :)


i lived on holtwood road (near abbeyfield park) in two different houses and on earldom drive

Ilived on Earldom st during the war we kept pigs and next door had 12 cows
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