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2p used to go a long way in the 70s


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It's amazing how everything goes up in price over the years, I left school in 1958, my first wage as a shop assistant was £2 16 shillings, terrible ain't it.

found my contract for my first job in 1973. My yearly wage was the princely sum of £850.

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yes! the good old videmat machines, i remember getting on the No 4 on cemetery rd at 8:05 to go to school, and we put in the old ring pulls as well, that was 1981-2ish.

the inspector always got on our bus tho!!

it was 2p to get to school. we bought polo's for 8p, whizzer and chips for 10p (the comic) or the dandy/beano for 6p!!

mini milks were 12p, and my nans favourite chewing gum was beech nut for 4p!!

we could get chips and scraps for 20p too!

Ahh, the good old days!!


When we were bored (quite often) we woould get on the No2 or 59 Circular bus and just go from one terminus to the other for 2p a go. My cousins who lived in lancashire couldn't believe it as they used to pay about 40p to go 2 stops! I also remember being able to buy chips and fish cake for 26p from Sulivans chippie (best chippie ever!).

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In the 1930's you could get fish and chips for three hapence.I joined the Royal Navy in 1949, I was 161/2 my pay was 1/6 per day. You could get into Hillsborough or Bramhall for 1/6 in uniform, same as old age pensioners.

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In the 1930's you could get fish and chips for three hapence.I joined the Royal Navy in 1949, I was 161/2 my pay was 1/6 per day. You could get into Hillsborough or Bramhall for 1/6 in uniform, same as old age pensioners.


Janner, you must be about 78 years old, is that about right,? that would make you one of the olderst forummers :thumbsup:

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