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The nanny state again

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Coined by toffs who had nannies,to deny help to others that did n't have one.Funnily enough paternalism was the prerogative of the Tories but the neo-Liberals have ditched any real links with the less privileged.


coined by the media I think you will find

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If one of the aims of education is to make the pupil more employable then teaching them how to speak grammatically must be up there with teaching them other skills such as languages and mathematics, surely?


Definitely, and like I said before - the true skill is knowing when to speak in a more formal style and when it's OK not to.


Most of us are worldly enough to know this without really thinking about it, probably thanks in part to teachers who told us off for not using appropriate language when we were kids. What this headteacher is doing sounds logical to me.

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I agree too.


If there is 'nothing wrong' with regional dialects and accents, why do you distinguish between them, and speaking 'correctly'?


Perhaps it would be more helpful to use the correct linguistic terminology (rather than subjective value judgments!) when discussing language use, i.e refer to 'standard' or 'non-standard' English.


There are some situations in which one of of the above is more appropriate than the other and other contexts it is less so. Context is all!



Do you always speak in riddles ?

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I thought many toffs controlled the media,hence Lord Beaverbrook,Lord Sugar,Lord Sainsbury,and Lord L Mighty.


they are not puppet masters :roll: the term will have been coined by a journalist. How many articles are written by any of the above? I think you are confusing "toff" with people you are jealous of.


And to pick just one from your list, Lord Sugar is not what I would call a Toff considering he is not upper class.

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Have you noticed how when Mecky gets his errors pointed out he scuttles off and never utters a word...:-)


I think you'll find it's about the government interfering with education (nanny state) just like the Ministry of Magic at Hogworts. All schools take their orders from someone. But it's great to see you spitting feathers ... clot

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You're not allowed to point on the the inefficiencies of this government. If you did, you'd be here all day - there simply isn't enough hours in a day.


In your haste to make that most excellent point you neglected to follow up on this story. It's nothing to do with the government [LINK].


Amazingly (to a statist like yourself) things do happen without the government becoming involved.


Oh, and in the spirit of what Carol Walker is trying to achieve.


You're not allowed to point on out the the inefficiencies of this government. If you did, you'd be here all day - there simply isn't aren't enough hours in a the day.


Keep trying old bean, one day you may get the better of me. :P

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I think you'll find it's about the government interfering with education (nanny state) just like the Ministry of Magic at Hogworts. All schools take their orders from someone. But it's great to see you spitting feathers ... clot


I don't think you understand the concept of headteachers. Do you even know about academies and how they work?


Of course, if it is the government interfering, this will be a policy enforced across all the schools in that region. But it isn't is it?

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