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Could anyone point me in the right direction if I wanted to start uni in September?


Basically at the minute I'm doing a foundation degree in Computer Studies, it's on a part time basis just one day a week.


The fact is I hate it. I have realised that it just isn't for me and in fact the whole IT industry is not where I want to work.


When I left school I sort of drifted into IT work and have been stuck every since. I actually aways wanted to do social work. So I've been thinking I'm 23 nearly 24 if I don't do something drastic soon I'm going to end up doing boring office work for the rest of my days.


I don't particularly want to go to Uni full time because I have financial commitments that mean I have to be earning. I would like to go part time so I can still work.


I just don't know where to start. Do I caontact the university, careers, LEA? I need to know about how many hours a part time course is likely to be but my main questions are in regards to financial help which may be available.


I currently have zero savings and couldn't afford to pay for the course myself.


Any advice appreciated.

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Hi Caprice


I contacted Hallam as they do the social work course part time over 4 and 1/2 years.


They sent me a booklet explaining about the course but I don't know where I go from here.


It's all a bit mind boggling as I've never been to uni and don't know anyone who has!

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Thanks for that Max and nomme.


It would seem that Sheffield Uni are alot stricter with entry requirements than Sheffield Hallam.


Sheffield Uni require you to have done some paid or volunatry work in a social care setting which I haven't done.


But Hallam are happy to take you if you have some knowledge of the social care environment either having worked in it or grown up in care.


I didn't actually grow up in care but did have some involvment with social services as a child and then again as a teenager when I lived in a hostel for homeless teens which I guess is sort of a care environment, well at least I hope this qualifies me.


I would be more than happy to find work either paid or vol, although if vol it would have to minimum hours as I need to be earning.


Argghhh it's all so stressful. I need help, I need a life coach or something! :D

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i think hallam is best for us mature students :D


i did 4yrs architecture and failed, then i decided to change career, to IT. i'm doing 1st year computing at hallam now, its great! right from the very first day they talk about what employers want now, and its made clear our final goal is to get a job in the employment world, not to get the best grade in the country! altho i'm doing IT, they put in a unit about professional studies, which is what most employers are looking for now. i feel like i'm half way into the employment world already even tho i'm only a 1st year student! :D


its never too late to change career! =P

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Thanks for that.


I'm going to try and get an appointment with the careers service although I wont hold my breath that they'll be very helpful as I haven't found them to be so in the past.


It is so scarey. I am worried about how it will look that I packed my course in just a few months down the line, but I really do hate it. It's just not for me. It's taken this course for me to realise that the IT industry is not where I want to be.


I would leave it right now if I had something else to go to but I guess I need to know what my options are first.


I can't wait for the change, I am sooo bored with my life right now.

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