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Im so anoyed right now :(


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i'm so annoyed right now : (my son (the youngest one )

who has got beautiful Maisie has decided to go & get himself a staffy puppy

& i know why he has got it to breed with Maisey :mad: he knows exactly how

i feel about this he has been on my back for the past few months that when

Maisey has her next season to let gorge mate with her & the answer has been the

same every time NO he knows how i feel about the breeding of staffys & & bull breeds &

x staffys he has seen me many a time crying about one staffy or another because its been bread then abandoned blossom the one that was in Mount Pleasant Kennels

last time & fizz now named Maddy i could go on he has seen how upset ive been

many times with these dogs he is also not someone who is committed to looking

after a staffy let alone a puppy he isn't going to do the feeding the proper way

you should do it from 4 to 5 meals a day ...inoculations he just isn't responsible

enough to do it he isn't going to want to get up 4 maybe 5 times a night toilet training

i can just see this poor little staffy homeless because he doesn't want to put in the work

i'm also annoyed at whoever let him have this puppy they obviously didn't care who it went to

i am so very stressed right now & i'm relay worried about this puppy that he has

because the 1st sign of trouble he gets i know whats going to happen

when i see him he is going to get the lecture of his life because he is going to

be expecting me to be happy to see the puppy & he is going to be so wrong

i have nothing against the puppy its him i have the problem with because he

relay hasn't thought this through its people like my son is the main rescues &

dog pounds are bursting with unwanted dogs & puppy's

all ive got in my head is that song ''i can see trouble ahead'' its not stopped

he is my son & i love him dearly but this is the worst thing he has ever done beside being on drugs ( witch hopefully he has stopped for good now i know

my son very well & this is going to go wrong i just don't know what he is

playing at :huh::rant:

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because i haven't got the money to have her done right now things are tight right now & with my son if you pay for things for him he expects it all the time if you knew my son you would know what i mean he is always there with his hand out & while ever we keep giving he will keep taking BANK OF MUM & DAD he is 23 time he stood up for himself !

i also have my own dogs to take care of as well :(


when we told him how much it would be to have her spayed all we got was

'' im not paying that ''

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just so you know he doesn't live with us he has his own place i think a few of you think he lives at home with us

would he be able to get masie spayed for free do you know

i would prefer he did


---------- Post added 07-02-2013 at 18:48 ----------


Maisie is about 2 now

don't know if she would be classed as a bull breed



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Is he on any benefits? There's the PDSA & also it's about £30 through dogs trust if ur in certain benefits or you can write & explain why & they could help



yes he is on benafits :|

i will ask if he would get her spayed

if i exspain what he is going to do they might decide to do it

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just so you know he doesn't live with us he has his own place i think a few of you think he lives at home with us

would he be able to get masie spayed for free do you know

i would prefer he did


---------- Post added 07-02-2013 at 18:48 ----------


Maisie is about 2 now

don't know if she would be classed as a bull breed




I misunderstood and thought he lived with you.I apologise.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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