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Im so anoyed right now :(


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If he is on benefits then he should be ok



will that be for both of them ?

even if this puppy dose end up in a

new home witch i know i will end up

sorting out to be honest & would prefer

at least it will be neutered :)

i'm just going to make sure i give him as much info on

puppy rearing as i can

i don't think he has taken into account

when he gets another job either as he is on the hunt for one at the mo

i don't know if its me just being a concerned mum & very concerned for

both dogs not just one i just don't know how its going to pan out

a lot of the jobs he has had he's been able to take Maisey with him

its been pub work but to take both dogs could prove difficult

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will that be for both of them ?

even if this puppy dose end up in a

new home witch i know i will end up

sorting out to be honest & would prefer

at least it will be neutered :)


If its the PDSA then yes, think they only allow you to have one pedigree treated but you can have 2 & to be honest I think they would rather do staffie cross breeds then risk yet another unwanted litter

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The thing with letting your bitch have puppies is that a lot of people think its going to be so easy as the mother will take care of them. They don't realise that if she rejects them its left up to them to raise the pups, and they're every bit as demanding as a human newborn, even more so when you think that there might be 3, 5, 7 or even 10 or more. All need feeding day and night every 2 hours, need stimulating to digest the milk and too toilet too. All need to be kept warm and clean and safe. All need to be checked that they're gaining weight and developing normally. After you've finished sorting all the pups, its time for the first one to be fed again. And all this is before they open their eyes and ears and find their feet. Even if the mother rears them, there's still the mess, the chewing, the puppy proofing, the cleaning, the pee and poop everywhere (unless mum is a good tidyer). Then there's the financial cost of injections, possible cost for the mother should the pregnancy or birth go wrong, more food needs buying while she's nursing. After all that there's the time and trouble to find homes for the pups, plus dealing with the mum grieving for them when they've gone. I'm sure you've already pointed this out to him, and I understand exactly why you're mad. People think breedings so easy but it isn't! I hope you get through to him hun xx

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i haven't seen him yet but i know he is set on having a litter

but i'm hoping & praying by the time i have shown him the numerous

staffy and staffy x in rescue he will change his mind if not he is going to

have a very disappointed mum on his hands :confused:

if i had of known he was going to get a staffy i would of taken him to

the dog pound & shown him all the staffys he could of had from there :(

but then again i think he knows what i would of said even with a pound staff

not because its from the pound but because of the responsibility that comes

with it but if he dose decide to go ahead with this the best thing i can do is

work on him for the next couple of years until he wants to do it hopefully i will

of worked on him by then :) i know he would never ever hurt the dog Maisie is

a darlin & spoilt rotten so ive no problems there like you said Bubble3082 its if

things don't work out as they should its a heck of a thing to take on & i don't

think he has thought about that :|

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really feel for you with this, have a son the same age. would be gutted if he did this. and this is where the problem lies, boys getting staffies, then cant keep them as live in rented/parents wont let them/girlfriend objects etc etc etc, they are then tied up in allotments somewhere or abandoned or sold on.

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i haven't seen him yet but i know he is set on having a litter

but i'm hoping & praying by the time i have shown him the numerous

staffy and staffy x in rescue he will change his mind if not he is going to

have a very disappointed mum on his hands :confused:

if i had of known he was going to get a staffy i would of taken him to

the dog pound & shown him all the staffys he could of had from there :(

but then again i think he knows what i would of said even with a pound staff

not because its from the pound but because of the responsibility that comes

with it but if he dose decide to go ahead with this the best thing i can do is

work on him for the next couple of years until he wants to do it hopefully i will

of worked on him by then :) i know he would never ever hurt the dog Maisie is

a darlin & spoilt rotten so ive no problems there like you said Bubble3082 its if

things don't work out as they should its a heck of a thing to take on & i don't

think he has thought about that :|


I think you've hit the nail on the head there with your last sentence hun, I think a lot of it is naivity and no forward planning. From what you've said it doesn't sound like he's in it so much for the money without any concern for the dog, I bet he just hasn't thought of every possibility. Aww I hope you get through to him, mainly for your peace of mind. Even if he does go ahead, at least you know you've tried your best - you can't do any more than that :)

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One trick that worked for someone I know. She took her brother to a rescue centre & told him him to pick 8 Staffies. He asked why & she told him because everytime a pup is born someone will chose that instead if a rescue dog. That is one less space in the rescue & thus 1 staffie that will have to die. So since Staffies can have a litter of 8 chose which & Staffies are to due so your dog can have pups

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well i am so glad i got it wrong

he hasn't got a male he has got a female

& has no intentions what so ever in breeding her

he did know about the dogs in the dog pound but

was worried how Maisey would be with it she is a

bit unpredictable with other dogs but gets on great

with puppy's she sort of mothers them

he has asked if he can bring her up tonight

& if i can baby sit her while he goes on a trial

for work witch we don't mind doing i can now understand

why he has done it , its all been for Maisey to help her

come out of her shell a bit more & so she has company for

when he is at work

i have said i will help him with the house training with her

which he is very thankful for Maisey means the world to him

& that is why he got Marley ''that's her name '' for Maisey

witch i think is very sweet he has thought about when he works etc

he has thought about it more than what i realised

sometimes i think he is still the bad always getting in trouble son

i knew of & he isn't like that anymore & ive got to stop thinking of

him like that but i would of rather he got one from the dog pound

but hey its done now i'm going to get my camera out & get some pictures

of her its a sure fact she will be well socialised with my lot

it will also help me with staffys as i do like the breed but have always been a

little scared of them if anything had this of been 5 years or so ago

i would have torn lumps off him for even thinking about owning one

but over these past few year i have changed my view on them

& to be honest its coming on here that has helped change that for me

with all the great staffy owners on here & around i have talked to

i realise its not the dogs that are bad its the owners :)

so here is to being a nan nan to Marley the baby staffy :)

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