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Where all the money is going..

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The way to get rid of homelessness is to get more people into work and make housing affordable, throwing free money at people just encourages dependency.


The problem with that is most housing benefits claimants are in work. And the housing benefits bill is still continuing to spiral out of control.


We need cheaper housing.

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Homeless families huge hotel rent bills 12k p/month! Firstly, why have so many kids if you can't afford to keep them? and what on earth are westminster council thinking?? this is a scandalous misuse of public money.


From what I read they are following the law and have no choice.


They had to cap the rental benefit they gave them. Those people then became homeless and the council was obliged to house them in their district (which apparently is full of very expensive hotels). Usual problem of politicians bringing in new ideas, but not having critical thinking or planing skills to avoid unintended consequences.


---------- Post added 09-02-2013 at 15:54 ----------


Young as in 18 years up, ready to work, young skilled. Not entire families with little kids, dads that don't work with wifes popping them out all over the shop when they get here because they realise they can procure more money from welfare.


---------- Post added 08-02-2013 at 16:16 ----------



Agreed Andy, Freeloader is the right term. No sugar coating it. Parasites basically. Leaving people who really need help without.


---------- Post added 08-02-2013 at 16:18 ----------



Unless there is a serious war going on, they can go back home for me,


There is:




---------- Post added 09-02-2013 at 15:58 ----------


That doesn't alter the fact that it peaked during labours term in office, high property prices are also the likley cause for homelessness now which is something else we can blame Labour for.


not just them - there are constant stories in the press about homeowner NIMBYS campaigning to prevent houses being built for the current generation. Politicians don't seem able or willing to take these people on. Although building more houses is not the whole solution, it would certainly help the situation.

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Cap it at one child. China did it, why should I not be able to have children when these people are sucking the state dry.


---------- Post added 08-02-2013 at 08:46 ----------


It costs 200k to raise a child. And these numpties have loads of them. Then the council compound the problem by putting them up in hotels. It could of been a hostel.


No need to be rude,people may think you ignorant and inarticulate.China relaxed its policy when it realised it was immoral and led to an ageing population structure.


---------- Post added 09-02-2013 at 15:10 ----------


A sensible place to send a Somalian who has had 8 kids and expects the British taxpayer to support them such as the freeloader in the article would be Somalia. I believe their house price boom has yet to take off so I'm sure he could find or build a nice spacious shack without dipping his hands into the British purse.


There is no state called Somalia just a series of areas controlled by warlords.The way you moan anyone would think you are a major contributor to HMRC.

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not just them - there are constant stories in the press about homeowner NIMBYS campaigning to prevent houses being built for the current generation. Politicians don't seem able or willing to take these people on. Although building more houses is not the whole solution, it would certainly help the situation.

Until we don't have enough houses again and then we build more, when do we stop building houses?

From my understanding though we do have enough house it’s just that some people have more than one.

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Until we don't have enough houses again and then we build more, when do we stop building houses?

From my understanding though we do have enough house it’s just that some people have more than one.


I've seen the argument quite a few times that housing is not very well utilised. Definitely a lot of truth in it IMO.


It's just part of the problem though. We still need to build more homes.


---------- Post added 09-02-2013 at 15:18 ----------


That’s what I said, and I doubt the homeless are in work.


You may be surprised. Saw a programme on TV not so long ago that followed a homeless family. The dad was working as a bus driver.

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I've seen the argument quite a few times that housing is not very well utilised. Definitely a lot of truth in it IMO.


It's just part of the problem though. We still need to build more homes.


---------- Post added 09-02-2013 at 15:18 ----------



You may be surprised. Saw a programme on TV not so long ago that followed a homeless family. The dad was working as a bus driver.


But at what point will we need to stop building houses, we already farm 70% of the UK which can only produce 60% of our food. More houses will mean more people, more flooding, moor food needed, more energy requirement, more jobs needed.

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No need to be rude,people may think you ignorant and inarticulate.China relaxed its policy when it realised it was immoral and led to an ageing population structure.


---------- Post added 09-02-2013 at 15:10 ----------



No china have given up-the policy would still be the ideal but the social traditions matched with modern technologies meant too many people were sidestepping it by having twins and more more worrying female abortions-this has led to a disproportionate ratio of male to female 20:1 in the worst areas-(the same to some degree has happened in parts of Asia (india, pakistan))

We are still in a situation whereby humanity is going to destroy its own viability by overbreeding.

Population control will only work when we have true equality of the sexes, along with cultural, religious and social understanding and tolerance.

Basically there's no chance-I give humanity as we know it less than 50 years unless we have a big wipeout-by war or plague.

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