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Should I leave my Partner?

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know you won't want to post too many details online, so I'll just add that if you can't persuade her to talk to the doctor, fresh air and some exercise is a proven ingredient in 'wellbeing'. Get yourselves out for a brisk family walk, go to the park, explore the local woodland (and finish in a good pub if she's happy to do so). Failing that, have a drive out to Bakewell or Hope. Take in the fresh air, and enjoy the change of scenery. It's not a cure, but it's a start

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To O/P

Having suffered from clinical depression myself, I know what your partner is going through ... it's a very dark place ... terrible!

very succinctly puts things into perspective for me.

It can be remedied though, with love and support and compassion ... don't give up. (I'm a happy person now, mainly due to a very lovely and understanding girlfriend).


If you love her, you should give her your best ... it's difficult, I know. If you love your partner, you should help. I would.

Strangely enough, I've gained power through my depression ... I can empathise with others now, without categorising ... be it depression or whatever. All people are flawed ... my personal theory on this is that people expect 100% out of each other, when, in actual fact, we only function at about 50% of what's expected (by the other people, functioning at 50%).

I feel a stronger person now, and enriched ... I understand, which is important to me. (No ... I'm not a guru freak, I just think about stuff, probably 50% flawed though ... a conundrum!)


I don't think this thread should be about you questioning your relationship ... if you truly love her, you should give her all the love and support available. Certainly, talking about it on here may help, if you just get one seed of an idea which affects your negative thoughts. Help your girlfriend.

I wish you all the best ... this is a subject which has truly affected me (from my own personal experience). PM if you wish. :)

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You considered leaving your long term partner, just because she's suffering w/ depression, which would've made things even worse for her & complicated things regarding your child, especially. It's not rocket science, m8. Stay & support her, for her own & your childs sake.

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Spider, sorry but that's incredibly insensitive and unhelpful.


If you don't understand the difference between being fed up of the daily grind and genuine clinical depression, may I suggest you try reading up on the subject.


Then you might be able to contribute something sensible to the thread.

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You considered leaving your long term partner, just because she's suffering w/ depression, which would've made things even worse for her & complicated things regarding your child, especially. It's not rocket science, m8. Stay & support her, for her own & your childs sake.


Why should he stay? What good is it for anyone making him depressed? Why should her needs more important than his?

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Why should he stay? What good is it for anyone making him depressed? Why should her needs more important than his?


Have you never heard of the words 'compassion', 'understanding' or 'caring'? Depression could happen to you ... that's when others count, difficult as it is.

With a comment such as the one you've just made, I feel you have no understanding. No one asks for depression ... I'm talking about 'clinical', as opposed to most peoples perception of 'Oooh I'm feeling a bit down and might cry 'coz I missed the bus' might be depressing. Very different. It's a completely misunderstood subject. Read up on it before making inane comments eh? Don't make yourself look daft. :)

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Have you never heard of the words 'compassion', 'understanding' or 'caring'? Depression could happen to you ... that's when others count, difficult as it is.

With a comment such as the one you've just made, I feel you have no understanding. No one asks for depression ... I'm talking about 'clinical', as opposed to most peoples perception of 'Oooh I'm feeling a bit down and might cry 'coz I missed the bus' might be depressing. Very different. It's a completely misunderstood subject. Read up on it before making inane comments eh? Don't make yourself look daft. :)


And where is your compassion, understanding, and care for the others in this family? Why is it just her needs and suffering you care about? Time to stop making yourself look daft :)

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And where is your compassion, understanding, and care for the others in this family? Why is it just her needs and suffering you care about? Time to stop making yourself look daft :)


*slow clap* well said... to the man planning to spend his twighlight years rotting in a nursing home with no visitors

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