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New Political Party

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True, but what alternative have we had? Or are likely to get?


The Political parties draw up the short lists, run the system, decide the rules, and lie through their teeth. They have only one agenda and that is to stay in power at all costs, and to that end they will ruin anyone who gets in their way.


So I say again, what other choice is there?



Anything,other than the big 3 who have had it their own way for far too long,UKIP BNP RESPECT many more,dont vote for the established parties as they are all liars and cheats.

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I was talking to a 25 yr old lad today, who lives at home with his mum in a 3 bed house, dosent work at all, gets all the possible benefits available inc disablement, and all the perks that go with it, ie; rent paid, council tax paid etc etc. There is absolutely sod all wrong with him or his mum.


Any chance that there is something very significantly wrong with the health of this young man? Something that is not visible or easily perceived? Any chance he didn't tell you about is because he values his privacy? Is embarrassed? Considers is none of your business? It carries social stigma or is often misunderstood?


I am well aware that benefit abuse takes place but there are two points worth considering -


Firstly - For 2011/12 it is estimated that 2.1 per cent of total benefit expenditure was overpaid due to fraud and error, the same as the 2010/11 estimate.http://statistics.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd2/index.php?page=fraud_error


Secondly - there is a poster on here with an excellent signature which I hope she won't mind me borrowing -


A Banker, a Sun reader and a Disabled Person are given a plate with 12 bars of chocolate on it. The banker eats 11 of the bars, then turns to the Sun reader and says: 'That scrounger wants to eat your bar!'

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Surely the key word for a new kind of politics has to be PRAGMATISM ? Definition , according to the Oxford English Dictionary : " dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations".


Guess that rules out the Millipedes/ Mr Bean brothers , and all those politicians who've never had a proper job between them . Could I be wrong , but has Cameron's experience of scrubbing toilets and working as a hospital porter made him a better leader of this great country ?? Not forgetting Tony Blair's experience of long night shifts working security for Group 4 ....... And as for the Clegg ...coatroom attendant at the Limit must surely count as valid experience to run our country..What a set of pragmatists :)

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Any chance that there is something very significantly wrong with the health of this young man? Something that is not visible or easily perceived? Any chance he didn't tell you about is because he values his privacy? Is embarrassed? Considers is none of your business? It carries social stigma or is often misunderstood?


I am well aware that benefit abuse takes place but there are two points worth considering -


Firstly - For 2011/12 it is estimated that 2.1 per cent of total benefit expenditure was overpaid due to fraud and error, the same as the 2010/11 estimate.http://statistics.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd2/index.php?page=fraud_error


Secondly - there is a poster on here with an excellent signature which I hope she won't mind me borrowing -


A Banker, a Sun reader and a Disabled Person are given a plate with 12 bars of chocolate on it. The banker eats 11 of the bars, then turns to the Sun reader and says: 'That scrounger wants to eat your bar!'


So sorry to pee on your bonfire, but im ashamed to say this young lad is a relative.


As for your second attempt at scorning a reasonable arguement, people are sheep, and will follow the trend. The problems lay at the Governments feet, and will be exploited by many more than your statistic shows, after all the scroungers value their privacy, apparently:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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So sorry to pee on your bonfire, but im ashamed to say this young lad is a relative.


Fair enough - you obviously have intimate knowledge of your example and I bow to that.


As for your second attempt at scorning a reasonable arguement, people are sheep, and will follow the trend. The problems lay at the Governments feet, and will be exploited by many more than your statistic shows, after all the scroungers value their privacy, apparently:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


I wasn't try to scorn anything, just discuss it, which I thought was the point of us being here. I agree there are problems and that government policy is a major part of the problem (possibly in a different way to you) but how do you know the system 'will be exploited by many more than your statistic shows'?

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Fair enough - you obviously have intimate knowledge of your example and I bow to that.




I wasn't try to scorn anything, just discuss it, which I thought was the point of us being here. I agree there are problems and that government policy is a major part of the problem (possibly in a different way to you) but how do you know the system 'will be exploited by many more than your statistic shows'?


because you have said it yourself. Had I have not known "Lad A" personally, your assumption would have been fair, now tell me this assumption is not made on a general scale of the population, and then you can see that people can be manipulative and "lie through their teeth" because they know they are onto a good thing. The system is rotten to the core and not everyone is as honest as you or I.

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because you have said it yourself. Had I have not known "Lad A" personally, your assumption would have been fair, now tell me this assumption is not made on a general scale of the population, and then you can see that people can be manipulative and "lie through their teeth" because they know they are onto a good thing. The system is rotten to the core and not everyone is as honest as you or I.


Agreed there is dishonesty but the stats take dishonesty and fraud into account. Yes there will be some wiggle room but I can't see why they wouldn't be ball park.

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Agreed there is dishonesty but the stats take dishonesty and fraud into account. Yes there will be some wiggle room but I can't see why they wouldn't be ball park.


I think the ball park figure is out by whatever each town deems as "playing the system" residents. For an example of one section of the community, how many under twenties single girls can you see walking about with a toddler and a babe in pram= benefits on a huge scale. Free rent. Free council tax. Free giro once a fortnight. And probably extra payments because the toddler has ADHD (which was known as being naughty when we were kids)


How many streets can you walk down in Sheffield and see this, never mind in other towns? Do you deem that to be morally right? These people KNOW they will be looked after by the state, and they wont be in the percentage of fraudsters because they are doing it LEGALLY. Just like my relative. Its shameful.

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Anything,other than the big 3 who have had it their own way for far too long,UKIP BNP RESPECT many more,dont vote for the established parties as they are all liars and cheats.


You know as well as I do that none of the other parties stand a chance.


The Lib Dems must rue the day they threw their lot in with the conservatives. They got their vote on changing the voting system (brilliantly handled by the cons to coincide with a mega drop in their popularity) and look how that ended.


If any other party even got close to looking like they might win they would be nobbled. In any case, the politicians are the puppets of the megabucks corporations who really run the show, and they don't give a hoot about the population at large, only about making more money for themselves.


So it doesn't really matter who wins, democracy is a sham.

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