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Tax avoidance is harming us all.

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Will we be seeing the return of Camp Casper outside the Cathedral to protest against those horrible, nasty multi National Companies ? You know , those horrible ,nasty companies who employ hundreds of thousands of people in this country ?


There is no reason why a company should not pay all its due tax and still employ hundreds of thousands of people.


The two are not mutually exclusive.

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These companies adhere to the law of this country and pay the minimum wage ,so where are people exploited . ?


Where aren't people exploited? Workers create wealth for the owners.


Or workers are paid the minimum wage to provide care services because that's all the old and infirm are worth to society.

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Where aren't people exploited? Workers create wealth for the owners.


Or workers are paid the minimum wage to provide care services because that's all the old and infirm are worth to society.


...and owners create jobs for the workers. round and round it goes.


the supposed workers you refer to are paid minimum wage because its an unskilled job that anyone could do. its nothing to do with how much the elderly is "worth" to society.


Important as it maybe, anyone can clean up or feed someone. Caring is an instinctive human trait. You dont need a 7 year degree in being a basic carer. Thousands of people have to be one for life and get paid nothing due to a sibling/relative or child having some disability.


Those who are specialist carers requiring certain skills and qualfications get paid accordinlgy. Not all carers are on minimum wage. Neither are specialist care nurses, oncology nurses or specialist support workers.


People are paid what their "skills" are worth. If your "skills" are ten a penny, you receive less wage. If your skills are highly specialist, rare, accademic or subject to professional registration with mandatory retesting and training then you get more wage.


We are all born the same and you create your own path in life. Yes, some people are lucky to inherit wealth but dont necessarilly keep that way. Its very easy to p**s it all away and end up with nothing. Other people are brought up in very poor backgrounds but work hard, forge a career or own business and become very wealthy and successful.


In life there always has been rich and poor. There will always be those who are employers and employees. Those that work hard and those that dont. You have to have one AND the other for society to function.


We cant all be high flyers on £150k plus or rich mansion owning aristocracy. It could not work.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Does that mean councils are exploiting the working man/elderly as well ?


The private agency I worked for at times of quiet desperation, paid six pence above the minimum wage. They are in it to make a profit. Council services get cut and pay rates are kept low because there are people willing to work for the minimum wage. It doesn't make it right.


Graduates are are taking any job they can get and this is impacting on people trying to get a half decent job.

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There is no reason why a company should not pay all its due tax and still employ hundreds of thousands of people.


The two are not mutually exclusive.


Do you think Edd Balls's brother pays his due share of tax or his company advises its clients to do so?

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The private agency I worked for at times of quiet desperation, paid six pence above the minimum wage. They are in it to make a profit. Council services get cut and pay rates are kept low because there are people willing to work for the minimum wage. It doesn't make it right.


Graduates are are taking any job they can get and this is impacting on people trying to get a half decent job.


Because we're still carrying on like we own a quarter of the planet and in reality we're back to being a small island. We need to start competing as what we are for our peoples sake, not grandstanding and thinking we can solve the worlds problems.

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Because we're still carrying on like we own a quarter of the planet and in reality we're back to being a small island. We need to start competing as what we are for our peoples sake, not grandstanding and thinking we can solve the worlds problems.


I wonder which is the higher price to pay in the longer-term; decent wages for people or not being competitive in the Global economy by failing to exploit our work-force ruthlessly enough?

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I wonder which is the higher price to pay in the longer-term; decent wages for people or not being competitive in the Global economy by failing to exploit our work-force ruthlessly enough?


At the moment we're outsourcing work abroad where possible and where not bringing in foreigners to undercut our people. Worst of both worlds.


Outright protectionism does not work, selling the benefits of a British first economic strategy to the British people would be as good a place as any to start.

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