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Is the world ready for a black pope?

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:hihi::hihi: I like the idea of the nakedness thing (so long as you're not pointing in my direction). 'Area 51 and a half' has video cameras on its periphery and one of my friends is a lawyer. Be warned.

I'd deffo go for Popeship if I were you ... Schwartzenegger was a pussy and would never have been accepted in Fulwood (or Crookes for that matter) ... too muscular and all that sort of stuff. Less of the Mango though if you want to gain votes. Burps are not nice ... mango or not, it'll hardly elevate yourself to Papalcy.

(I don't understand this ... 'papalcy' isn't recognised by my spellcheck or in my dictionary (the very big Collins one), although I'm pretty sure it's a word. Is it 'popelcy'? Have to go and see if the 'c' is within the holy see ... probably at the sea-side. Skegvegas, knowing my luck). Jesus!


Alas Brother Alco, His Holy Father regularly cavorts around Vatican City in his birthday suit, before bedtime he's laid out in a tin foil sarcophagus and smothered in warm chocolate lovingly prepared by the Swiss Army (they do make the best confections after all).


Personally I think Rome would be more accepting of a black pope from anywhere other than Sheffield. Think about it...it would truly be a Road to Damascus experience if the Communion wafers were replaced with potted dog sarnies and the wine with that exlixir of life..Hendos!

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