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Global Thermonuclear War 2013

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Well, seeing as North Korea are testing nuclear weapons right this minute, and going on from the National Gun Appreciation Day celebrations recently in America, isn't it about time we cut these blatant cowboys loose, their wild eyed psychotic ideologies and weapon obsessed nature will eventually lead to self-inflicted armageddon.


With all the shootings in America recently they still feel the need to carry weapons, they really are brainwashed and are no better than North Korea, Iran or any other country harbouring weapons of mass destruction.


All this scaremongering on the news channels never helps, kicking up a fuss because someone has stolen an old ladies hand bag, they really need to get a grip, I really think if world war 3 would happen then it would have happened decades ago, and can you imagine the nuclear fall out, we will all look like glow sticks in the night.

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With all the shootings in America recently they still feel the need to carry weapons, they really are brainwashed and are no better than North Korea, Iran or any other country harbouring weapons of mass destruction.



That's because a lot of them are able to follow some straightforward rational arguments that removing the right to bear arms will not stop mass shootings.


Such as the undeniable fact that the majority of these shootings take place in the only places in America that it's not legal to carry firearms i.e. schools.


Which leads them to think that it's perhaps the dissallowing of firearms in the hands of responsible, trained civilians with carry permits, that is the real cause of criminals being given a good 15-20 minutes of uninterupted killing of innocent children, before the armed police arrive.


So, no, I don't agree with your knee-jerk (and incorrect) assumption that any American who supports the right to carry arms is 'brainwashed'. I'm sure some are, but, many others are very intelligent and make up their minds based on facts, evidence and reasoning.

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But are they testing them?


One characteristic of a nuclear explosion is that it produces an EMP pulse that can be easily picked up in space even from a small bomb. The last 2 "so called" tests did not produce any detectable pulse and neither did this so they were either failures or they wanted the USA to believe they did.


Take it all with a pinch of salt.

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One characteristic of a nuclear explosion is that it produces an EMP pulse that can be easily picked up in space even from a small bomb. The last 2 "so called" tests did not produce any detectable pulse and neither did this so they were either failures or they wanted the USA to believe they did.


Both tests conducted deep underground, no EMP.

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