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Global Thermonuclear War 2013

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I think the West is learning to keep its nose out of other countries business and let China take the lead on this.
Not if Japan has anything to say about it.


I'm progressively changing my mind about where the real hot spot is, in global terms, atm...and it's not in the Middle East anymore. Japan's recent, nationalist Gvt is looking dangerous, and may be currently engaged in a play to pitch the US against China.


And that's saying nothing of young K-J-I in N.Korea who, far from bringing the more modern and 'softer' rule which most expected, actually seems to ramp things up at double or triple the pace of his predecessor.


Lots more angles to this (notably ever-more kicking and screaming S.Korea, for understandable reasons), for sure, but I'm getting more concerned about this region than Syria/Iran atm.

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Both tests conducted deep underground, no EMP.


An EMP pulse is still detectable and can pass through the ground even if it is exploded underground. The USA are said to be developing one that can be exploded above ground and with a pulse that can penetrate the deep underground bunkers in Iran.


But with the USA its sometimes hard to distinguish fact from fiction

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China could strangle North Korea with two fingers if it wanted to. North Korea depends entirely on China for food for it's impoverished populace as well as oil and petroleum.


China is in a dilemma though. The actions of North Korea trouble it greatly but on the other hand if they were to have a hand in toppling the N.K regime the two Koreas might well become reunited and the thought of a Korea as a US ally right on it's borders isnt a scenario that China much likes

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Such as the undeniable fact that the majority of these shootings take place in the only places in America that it's not legal to carry firearms i.e. schools.


Clearly the kids need to be able to pack some heat!


---------- Post added 13-02-2013 at 17:27 ----------


Both tests conducted deep underground, no EMP.


An EMP is still generated although it is [a] smaller and can't do much damage (EMP is line of sight).


From what is known openly about available nuclear weapons, the energy of the prompt gamma radiation output would result in an EMP field strength of no more than about 50,000 volts per meter. In fact, saturation effects would begin around 30,000 volts/meter. During the last three decades of Cold War nuclear testing, though, all of the testing, including gathering of gamma ray and EMP data, was done underground.


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All the dopey posts on here about gun control by people who dont have a clue what they're talking about miss the one salient point.

It's all about mental illness and keeping guns out the hands of the mentally ill. That has to be where the focus needs to be concentrated on.


All the rest of the garbage about gun control as a solution to stopping mass shootings is a waste of time

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All the dopey posts on here about gun control by people who dont have a clue what they're talking about miss the one salient point.

It's all about mental illness and keeping guns out the hands of the mentally ill. That has to be where the focus needs to be concentrated on.


All the rest of the garbage about gun control as a solution to stopping mass shootings is a waste of time


But if you couldn't buy guns how would the mentalists shoot anyone?

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But if you couldn't buy guns how would the mentalists shoot anyone?


If you couldnt buy guns legally then they would be acquired illegally. From where you might ask? Smuggled across the border from Canada or Mexico. There are plenty of guns in circulation in both those countries.


Obama's intent to ban assault weapons is no doubt well intentioned but in reality it's an exercise in PR. A program aimed at showing that "something is being seen to be done" about the problem.


Far better to initiate a nation wide program under Federal jurisdiction that requires every potential gun owner to undergo a phsychiatric evaluation and a thorough and complete background check to ensure that the person has no criminal record of any kind with parking or speeding ticket violations excepted. Gun retailers who fail to co-operate in any manner would lose their retail licenses, businesses and face other very stiff penalties


It's just a matter of the NRA, the individual States and Congress coming on board with the program and working together to get it implemented

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All the dopey posts on here about gun control by people who dont have a clue what they're talking about miss the one salient point.

It's all about mental illness and keeping guns out the hands of the mentally ill. That has to be where the focus needs to be concentrated on.


All the rest of the garbage about gun control as a solution to stopping mass shootings is a waste of time


Difficult is that considering most Americans have some form of metal illness from mild depression to loop de loop..



Nothing is a waste of time if you discuss, debate and keep it at the forefront of a concern. It's only garbage if it messes with your own lil private collection.

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Far better to initiate a nation wide program under Federal jurisdiction that requires every potential gun owner to undergo a phsychiatric evaluation and a thorough and complete background check to ensure that the person has no criminal record of any kind with parking or speeding ticket violations excepted. Gun retailers who fail to co-operate in any manner would lose their retail licenses, businesses and face other very stiff penalties


But that guy who just killed all the kids at sandy hook wouldn't have been subjected to these tests, his mother the owner of the guns would have passed the test and its back to square one.

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But that guy who just killed all the kids at sandy hook wouldn't have been subjected to these tests, his mother the owner of the guns would have passed the test and its back to square one.


Not back to square one if under a new law relating to keeping weapons out of the reach of mentally disturbed people she was prosecuted for irresponsible behaviour in allowing her son who she knew was troubled to fire her weapons on the range and failing to keep them under lock and key and keeping that key in a hiding place.


It's time that people like her and others who leave weapons around for the wrong people to get their hands on be answerable to the law


The very great majority of us gun owners are responsible at all times. We cannot all be held accountable for the sins of the few.

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