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Race wars, is it coming to a town near you?

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what about enforcing more laws regarding the regulation of the money markets?. its those that are draining every last ounce of profit from business. i read some where that the whole burden of debt is equal to NINE times the whole wealth of the planet!!.

How can that be? is there another eight earths out there somewhere??.

thats is what is driving the headlong downward spiral. greed of a few individuals.

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i was thinking more along the lines of general asian/black/yemini/arab/Ethiopian/Pakistani/Indian/Sudanese/Chinese/. getting to the point where they think enough is enough, we have been abused/ignored/marshaled into slums with very little support.

then they think the"whites" should just keep the hell out of their way!.and maybe some of the more militant among them will start to take steps to keep them out with force.


That won't happen either. Ever.

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Much of the problems are due to the global economy. What happens in Greece affects us all for example. What happens to the Euro affects the US economy and the Chinese economy. How well or poor the Chinese economy performs affects the EU and the US.


There is no silver bullet. The western economies are struggling to emerge from the worst recession since the Great Depression and it will take some time. Some financial experts have predicted that it could take as long as the better part of a decade.


I dont know what you mean by trouble? What kind of trouble? Riots and civil disobedience wont solve anything. Generally they are utterly counter productive as many businesses get looted or vandalized and there's nothing like instability that drives away future investment.


South Central Los Angeles, scene of several riots between 1965 and 1991 still hasnt recovered and probably never will in the foreseeable future.


The way to attract investment is to give generous tax incentives along with a potential work force which is educated and of course social stability goes with it as well


Yes, riots etc won't solve anything either, nothing will...


The difference between now and the great depression is that then there wasn't another nation(s) poised to take over.


Empires rise and Empires fall.


The days of western supremacy are over. We are now in a long terminal decline, with the BRIC countries the latest to take over the position of Top Dog.

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i was thinking more along the lines of general asian/black/yemini/arab/Ethiopian/Pakistani/Indian/Sudanese/Chinese/. getting to the point where they think enough is enough, we have been abused/ignored/marshaled into slums with very little support.

then they think the"whites" should just keep the hell out of their way!.and maybe some of the more militant among them will start to take steps to keep them out with force.


Nothing to do with whites. The conditions they live in are all down to their governments, power hungry, corrupt, dominated by religious groups who work to impose oppresive societies where equal rights for women and education for girls are contrary to their **** eyed cultural beliefs.

Sudanese Muslims from the north massacre African Sudanese from the south, Hindus and Muslims frequently clash, Indian and Pakistan have occasionally reached the point of war over Kashmir, Shiites kill Sunnis, Sunnis kill Shiites, the current war in Syria is basically a tribal one.


As for China ther whole economy depends on exports mainly to Europe and North America and China while still dealing with domestic problems is hardly a third world country these days.


I suggest you get with the picture


---------- Post added 23-02-2013 at 16:59 ----------



Yes, riots etc won't solve anything either, nothing will...


The difference between now and the great depression is that then there wasn't another nation(s) poised to take over.


Empires rise and Empires fall.


The days of western supremacy are over. We are now in a long terminal decline, with the BRIC countries the latest to take over the position of Top Dog.


Europe and North and South America are a long way from decline. They will remain a finacial power house for a long time to come and very attractive to investors for a thousand different reasons. New ideas, technological advances will continue to be one of the contributions that the west will make to the emerging economies of such nations as India, China and Africa.


If there is a decline in the west of it's military power that could be a positive thing. Involvement in foreign wars has overall been a complete failure in the past 50 years. If other countries wish to squander their money on building big militaries then let them do so. They will learn that in doing so they're depriving their societies of the essentials to grow economically at a satisfactory pace

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Nothing to do with whites. The conditions they live in are all down to their governments, power hungry, corrupt, dominated by religious groups who work to impose oppresive societies where equal rights for women and education for girls are contrary to their **** eyed cultural beliefs.

Sudanese Muslims from the north massacre African Sudanese from the south, Hindus and Muslims frequently clash, Indian and Pakistan have occasionally reached the point of war over Kashmir, Shiites kill Sunnis, Sunnis kill Shiites, the current war in Syria is basically a tribal one.


As for China ther whole economy depends on exports mainly to Europe and North America and China while still dealing with domestic problems is hardly a third world country these days.


I suggest you get with the picture



I could be wrong but I think monkey69 was referring to ethnic minorities in the UK given the nature of the OP.

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