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Republic the latest chain to call in administrators

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There are still plenty of normal people that have plenty of money to spend despite what the doom and gloom merchants keep telling us.


Maybe the average 18 year old has now realised they can now buy 4 poor quality outfits from Primark for the price of one from Republic.


Normal people? who would those abnormal beings be then?


There are some lucky folks out there if they are not having to cut back. I am in 40% tax bracket and the disposable amount is getting less and less.

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Normal people? who would those abnormal beings be then?


There are some lucky folks out there if they are not having to cut back. I am in 40% tax bracket and the disposable amount is getting less and less.


Well if I had said there are plenty of people with plenty of money the usual suspects would have just started ranting plenty of bankers bankers bankers, they have all the money.


Sure some people are having to cut back on spending and some are really struggling but there are still plenty of people with plenty of money to spend.

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So if I set a shop up and sold rubbish at high prices it'd be the government's fault that it went bust?


It's no coincidence retail shops are folding week after week. Use your head, nobody's got any money, conditions are bad for retail and the governments not doing a thing to change it because the govt. believe in 'free market' principles.


The global economies at fault.

The governments at fault.

And yes, the shops in question are at fault for not moving with the times. But I'm seeing loads of units empty, so small Businesses are suffering too.


Maybe they could ride out tough times before, but not now.

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It's no coincidence retail shops are folding week after week. Use your head, nobody's got any money, conditions are bad for retail and the governments not doing a thing to change it because the govt. believe in 'free market' principles.


The global economies at fault.

The governments at fault.

And yes, the shops in question are at fault for not moving with the times. But I'm seeing loads of units empty, so small Businesses are suffering too.


Maybe they could ride out tough times before, but not now.


See my post #30, a company,very much like Republic, seem to be doing well..is that a government success?

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I do like some of the clothes that Republic sells, particularly their T Shirts. Though I am surprised that many people do their shopping for clothes online....I'd much prefer to 'try before I buy'.....Sending stuff back always seems such a hassle.


I suppose this is part of the 'creative destruction' that politicians and right wing academics gloated about happening to manufacturing 30 years ago- - now of course it's played out on the High Street....I'm sure the staff who have lost their jobs in the stores would like to wreak some 'creative destruction' on the bankers that caused this awful recession

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