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Republic the latest chain to call in administrators

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As I said earlier in the thread, retail is in rude health, with year on year growth. You meant to say that High Street retail is dying.


You either move with the times or get left behind.


You meant to say online retail or e-commerce. Retail is dying.

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No, I meant what I said. Retail is in rude health, and we all understand that sub-sectors have different issues.


Just stop digging your hole. ;)


I guess the centre for retail research has got it wrong then http://www.retailresearch.org/retailforecast.php


some highlights:


"Fifty-four significant retailers went into administration last year (2012), including Peacocks, Comet, Clintons and JJB Sports, affecting 3,951 stores and 48,000 employees and by 17th of January 2013, another four retail failures were responsible for 991 stores closing and 10,700 redundancies."


" Our forecast for 2013 is for retail growth of only 0.3% in real terms -The figure includes online sales. "


"Total sales in UK shops and stores will fall again in 2013 for the fourth year in succession, this time by -1.9%."


"However sales on the high street through physical retail stores will continue to decline, because online retailers will gobble up all the retail growth available."

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Interesting... can you show me the difference?


Between retail and online? try these:






Just two of hundreds of examples of tax / vat loopholes on digital sales.

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Can you show examples of ASOS behaving in the ways you have linked to? From here http://asos.annualreport2012.com/our-financials/notes-to-the-financial-statements/8)-income-tax-expense it looks like they've paid about 25% tax on profits in the UK..or am I reading it wrong?

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growth of 0.3% in real terms in the middle of a recession is not bad - although i accept it is only a forecast


Were only just at the beginning of the curve of massive cuts planned up to 2018, this looks like a boom year compared to what's going to happen.

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Can you show examples of ASOS behaving in the ways you have linked to? From here http://asos.annualreport2012.com/our-financials/notes-to-the-financial-statements/8)-income-tax-expense it looks like they've paid about 25% tax on profits in the UK..or am I reading it wrong?


The legislative differences between physical retail and online retail are obvious. Google it.

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Were only just at the beginning of the curve of massive cuts planned up to 2018, this looks like a boom year compared to what's going to happen.


you may be right, and we may look back on 2012/13 as a golden age, but i prefer to be optimistic


economic cycles being what they are, there will always be booms and busts - some are steep and deep, some are gentle and shallow, but there will always be growth after a recession and there will always be a recession/correction after growth - the only thing we don't know is the timing


economic growth will come at some point in the not too distant future - it may be in spite of Government policy rather than because of it (although that won't stop the Government claiming the credit, because that is what Government's do), and it may only be gradual, but it will come

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