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All the 'good' people are criminals

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tell me michael, just as a matter of interest, what is it that you do? after all you don't seem to have any problems giving other people advice on what they should do with their time.

presumably you are contributing hugely to the betterment of society otherwise you wouldn't be so quick with the advice would you.?

and for your information my success in business owed very little to luck & a great deal to hard work & having the balls to take a chance.


i'm sure you're aware of that really, as you no doubt hold down a hugely responsible position. Don't you?


Ah I can see your charm and wit shining through now. I won't tell you what I do it's none of your business, you obviously wanted to share yours :suspect:

By the way it was you who wanted things to change in the world old lad :loopy:

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do you know michael i made a bet with myself that you'd come back with something like that.

so, basically ,you've achieved pretty much nothing in you're life then?

a few posts ago you went on a rant about how you'd never taken any handouts from anyone & how it was all down to you etc. i don't recall the exact words & quite frankly carn't be bothered to check. point is you were pretty open about how you were a self made man who stood on his own feet etc.

I am certain that given that outburst you'd be pretty quick to let me know if you'd achieved anything outstanding in you're life.

but now it's none of my business. could that be because there's not a great deal to tell?


what does it matter? boasting is a complete waste of time on a forum. no body knows who anyone else is. what i have told you about myself happens to be true, so what? we'll never meet & if we do we wont know it.


I can assure you michael if i'd wanted to show off i would have come up with a lot better tale than owner of a small local business. I would have been the CEO of a major international business at the very least.


so, it turns out my earlier theory was correct then. you're a bitter man who didn't get what he felt he deserved & doesn't want anyone else to get a better deal.


as for change the world, i don't recall actually saying that. as i recall i just thought it might be a good idea to improve the education system which would be to everyone's advantage. you disagreed, it seems now we know why.

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do you know michael i made a bet with myself that you'd come back with something like that.

so, basically ,you've achieved pretty much nothing in you're life then?

a few posts ago you went on a rant about how you'd never taken any handouts from anyone & how it was all down to you etc. i don't recall the exact words & quite frankly carn't be bothered to check. point is you were pretty open about how you were a self made man who stood on his own feet etc.


I am certain that given that outburst you'd be pretty quick to let me know if you'd achieved anything outstanding in you're life.

but now it's none of my business. could that be because there's not a great deal to tell?

Oooh your bitching now old lad, by the way it was far from being a rant at all, but I realise your fairly new on here and ain't got the hang of it yet.

I will say this I have plenty to tell, but I won't be bragging on here about my business :D


what does it matter? boasting is a complete waste of time on a forum. no body knows who anyone else is. what i have told you about myself happens to be true, so what? we'll never meet & if we do we wont know it.

Very true, I don't know why you boasted in the first place !


I can assure you michael if i'd wanted to show off i would have come up with a lot better tale than owner of a small local business. I would have been the CEO of a major international business at the very least.

The idea on here is to keep things on topic, I realise that got lost some posts back, and to be quite honest I would not care about your business if you were Richard Branson.


so, it turns out my earlier theory was correct then. you're a bitter man who didn't get what he felt he deserved & doesn't want anyone else to get a better deal.

Not at all pal, you could not be further away if you were the other side of the moon, I'm so laid back I'm almost horizontal, I don't do bitterness, envy or self pity and don't have much time for anyone who has those traits ...... As for not wanting anyone else to get a better deal, RUBBISH ! I have not said anything of the sort and if that's your assessment then you really are quite deluded.


as for change the world, i don't recall actually saying that. as i recall i just thought it might be a good idea to improve the education system which would be to everyone's advantage. you disagreed, it seems now we know why.


Who is we ? You mean you ! Well your wrong again ....... I disagreed that improving the education system was the answer that you believe it is, it is all in my previous posts to read, so I don't see the point in repeating myself again .... it's getting really boring, and I can't help it if you misinterpret everything you read on here. I will leave this thread now and allow you to have the last word (and I'm sure you will want it :D). Bye for now, i'm sure our paths will cross elsewhere on the forum if you stick around :wave:

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Bye Bye Michael i'm missing you already, especially now i find out you're a man of mysterious hidden depths.

You're right about me being new on here. It is in fact the only forum I have ever contributed to. I do however visit two political & one football forum & have been doing on & off for years. That's how i can spot a Troll when i meet one.


My apologies to the OP[ if he or she is still with us] for being equally responsible for derailing the thread.

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