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Shower pull switch

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my shower pull switch has got a crack and burn mark on it.i googled how to replace it and there were 2 comments on how i should use an electrician because the wires were realy thick and there was a danger in trapping them when screwing it back up,surely conecting 3 wires cant be that difficult!:confused:

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I had the exact same problem last week. I took the switch apart, and there are a total of 6 wires to unscrew and re-screw. You can replace it yourself, however if you have burn marks on it I would strongly recommend you get an electrician to look at it to make sure that nothing more sinister is going on.

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If it is burnt and cracked it may well be that the cable supplying the shower is no longer big enough. (shower may have been swapped at some time since cable was first put in).


Get it checked out by a competant electrician, the cable may have burn damage somewhere else, could result in a fire if not replaced.

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Someone will have fitted a more powerful shower without upgrading the cable to 32A,hence the scorch marks.


Not the case with mine. The shower was installed a while ago and everything was fine until the switch broke a last week and caused the cable to arc. Scorch marks on the old switch unit, but correctly rated wiring.

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