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London families forced North for housing

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Do you think the right to buy is wrong then? I dont myself,the problem was the housing stock was not replaced thats the problem,not having aspirations to better oneself.


Yes it was wrong and the cause of the current housing issues.


Aside from those that bought and then sold on at huge profit the policy was not to allow the money received to be reinvested in housing which meant that future generations could not have the social housing others had previously been able to.


So the private sector flourished - and now we have housing benefit payments of up to£400 per week.

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my bold


how do you degrease housing supply? :suspect::huh::help:


You introduce a policy called pathfinder which allows you to compulsory purchase homes and then demolish them, they called it regeneration and keeping communities sustainable, but in realty there was no regeneration and communities where decimated.


I wrote the above before realising I had written degrease and not decrease. :D


---------- Post added 17-02-2013 at 18:16 ----------


Didn't Kim & Aggie have a series on telly showing us how? ;)


Yes and some of them houses took a lot of degreasing. :D

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