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Are illnesses, poverty, famine and war all unfortunate necessities?


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What if things such as fatal illnesses, extreme poverty, famine and war were in fact unfortunate necessities which play a beneficial role in protecting the global economy? where's the money in cure? There isn't any, there's only money in medicine, that's why big pharma rake in £billions each year . The weapons industry is a simple case of supply and demand so it's in their interests to make sure there is a demand, hence the tens of £billions raked in each year from wars, and is with regard to eradicating world famine and poverty, why haven't they done so yet? What else might they be waiting for?.... an oil spring to be found in each of the affected countries and townships before scrambling over one another to be the ones credited with liberating them?

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Why do humans still have to work? We were promised robot slaves and computers that would run the planet while we frolicked by rivers reading books and doing art. But we have to work harder for less rewards.


Tomorrow's World, you lied!

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What if things such as fatal illnesses, extreme poverty, famine and war were in fact unfortunate necessities which play a beneficial role in protecting the global economy? where's the money in cure? There isn't any, there's only money in medicine, that's why big pharma rake in £billions each year . The weapons industry is a simple case of supply and demand so it's in their interests to make sure there is a demand, hence the tens of £billions raked in each year from wars, and is with regard to eradicating world famine and poverty, why haven't they done so yet? What else might they be waiting for?.... an oil spring to be found in each of the affected countries and townships before scrambling over one another to be the ones credited with liberating them?


Unusually deep for this Forum - I would have to take some time to analyse my feelings about this one because I haven't researched the facts sufficiently and developed an opinion about what you have stated - but I will when personal circumstances allow the time. All credit to you for voicing an honest view that deserves to start a debate - a thread that could run and run. There are some deep thinkers on the forum - not many but enough.

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"Necessities"? No, not necessary; but they're probably unavoidable.

No-one ever said it was going to be easy

[according to the Inspiral Carpets http://www.elyrics.net/read/i/inspiral-carpets-lyrics/i-want-you-lyrics.html ]


So what do you think would happen to the global economy if the money from medicine and weaponery stopped and every one on the planet lived a long and healthy life? Would it crash cope with it?

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So what do you think would happen to the global economy if the money from medicine and weaponery stopped and every one on the planet lived a long and healthy life? Would it crash cope with it?


If there were no medicines then I doubt everyone would live a long or healthy life..

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