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Car hit by DHL lorry whilst parked.


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I parked my car (on a side road) for work and when I returned later that evening the front of my car was badly damaged.


Luckily a very nice gentleman saw the DHL lorry hit it and managed to get the Reg number. I suspect it is a foreign lorry as the reg number begins <REMOVED>.

I have informed police as driver left no details and obviously insurance company. I'm just concerned that if they cannot trace this lorry I am liable for the excess on my insurance and also lose my no-claims bonus through no fault of my own.


Anyone got any experience in this kind of thing or know what OLK would represent on a registration plate (not 100% its foreign - just presuming).

Surely the police/insurer can trace the lorry through DHL to see what lorry was making deliveries in that area at that time?


Unfortunately unless the driver cares to confess it is his word against that of your witness (if you have their details).

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Unfortunately unless the driver cares to confess it is his word against that of your witness (if you have their details).


the police can check the vehicle and if the damage is consistent with that of the OP's car, that goes a long way to encouraging the driver to suddenly remember something.


If DHL wont do anything about it, I would find it hard not to smash the lights of every DHL lorry I see from now on.

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You think police with follow a small traffic accident that is worth £350?


Ye they should has my cousin hit back corner of a lorry and left nothing but a scratch so he drove off and got a letter for court though for leaving the scene of a accident followed by a fine & 6 points.

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You think police with follow a small traffic accident that is worth £350?


You mean criminal offence of leaving the scene without exchanging details.


With several witnesses.


That's exactly what the police are for, investigating crimes.

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In fairness to the police they are pretty interested.


The damage to my car was £1800 and currently the MIB and Police are tracing the lorry.


They may not get the driver but with a witness and the reg number etc the company can be held liable and I should get my excess back £350.

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Dan R - what's the MIB? ...and good luck with your claim!


As I'm not allowed to put the registration of this truck can I say it's a blue and white pick-up with 'Slovak' or 'Slovakia' on the side. Can't be many of those in Sheffield!!

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