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Junkfood/Horsemeat Saga

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i think we will find that the overwhleming majority of these cases will be "cross contamination" where a food producer or abbatoir deals with many different items of livestock and processed meats where there will always be a tiny percentage of DNA left after cleaning machinery and work areas and this is where the "Horse" dna comes from!

i would bet money that other animal DNA could just as easily be found, eg lamb in beefproducts, beef in lamb etc etc....a great big fuss over not very much, except in the case where a massive percentage is found and that will be delt with in the future i am sure.


I’m pretty sure I heard it said that the recent tests which the retailers have been required to undertake (we had the first weeks results sometime at the end of last week) were based on a threshold of 1%, presumably on the basis that anything less than this was assumed to be accidental carry-over from previous throughput. If that is the case, it seems quite high. I would have expected cleaning of equipment between loads to never leave a 1% residue.

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