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The church's position on marriage?


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No it isn't. There are a mountain of beliefs that shouldn't be tolerated.


Would you tolerate a man who thought it was fine to take a 9 year old bride? Would you respect the beliefs of a man who thought that all Black Sabbath should be played at full volume? Or a man who thought that all cars should be driven as fast as possible?


No. Society picks ages of consent, laws on how much noise we can make, and laws on how fast we can drive. We don't have true freedom and equality in belief.


Only prejudiced people will have prejudices, and they existed long before gay marriage.


Illinois recently joined the list of states that now allow gay marriage. The road to it being accepted in every state is on the way. Some may take longer than others, and I still believe that it will have to go to the Supreme Court one day; but I have faith that I will live to see the day where every person in the USA has the same legal rights, regardless of which state they live in.


We are talking about religious beliefs as it applies to church performed marriages, not laws for the orderly governance of society which you seem to equate


Religious belief is a highly personal thing and beyond the scope or reach of the law thank God. At least it is in the USA through separation of church and state.


I'm not a church goer but I happen to live in a family community where many people regularly attend the churches of their choice. I know many of them and they're good people. They work for charitable causes, involve themselves in voluntary community acitivies. One church group regularly goes to the poorer parts of Mexico and has among other things helped them build schools and a clinic.


These are not the kind of people who would ever involve themselves in gay bashing but I know for a fact that they are not ready , nor are their priests, rabbis and pastors, to accept two men being married in their establishments nor should they be condemned as 'prejudiced" for having that view.


They have a right to their beliefs and that's all there is to it. That goes for Muslims also. Who are we to force our opinions on the personal views of others? That's fascism by any other word.


There are about 6 States who have so far declared gay marriage to be legal and California is still debating the issue.


However if you think that one day every State will legalize gay marriage you must be dreaming. Many States are Conservative and Republican in their sympathies especially those on the mid-west.


The issue isnt whether gay marriage should be legalized or not. Each State has the right to decide for or against it but the issue here is should religious institutions be co-erced or pressured to marry gay couples in their places of worship.


The answer is definitely no and neither will it I predict ever happen.

Society will be a much happier and healthier place if everybody minds their own business as far as religious and marriage beliefs are concerned

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