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Removable hard drive


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Do you mean removable - as in slots into a carrier in a front drive bay - or external- as in enclosed in a case which connects to the PC via USB/firewire cable- or remote - as in attached to your network router to be accessed by any pc in your house?

Removable - any hdd will do*, Dabs have an 80g Samsung for £37 and you can pick up a carrier for about £10 at the next RedRat fair.

External - Again, I'd buy an external case and fit my own choice of HDD into it.

Remote - (choice1) PCWorld have a Buffalo 160Gb NAS with room for a second HDD to be added inside and it includes a USB print server. (choice2) Get an external HDD as above, then buy a NAS adaptor like this.


*correction - almost any hdd will do, some carriers need a half-height drive, though you should be able to get one for a similar price.

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