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Cost of policing Julian Assange wikileaks siege.

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What specific crimes are those?


According to US tv,


War crimes...bigger lol

Crimes against humanity....


I even saw one psycho say he was against the death penalty but he thinks the US should send in the special forces (presumably to the UK ) to 'illegally kill' Assange

If it was not so sick it would almost be funny.

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Of course there is . this idiot is a traitor who has leaked classified information all over the tinterweb . He cannot be allowed to get away with it. The Yanks want him ,and rightly so .


Given the fact that the UK and the US have been involved in extraordinary rendition and cant be trusted that in itself is a good reason for him to stay put. Sometime classified information should be leaked when its in the public interest to do so as Governments are also accountable.


Remember the Clive Ponting affair?

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And if he escapes then there would be an outcry and claims of incompetence. He should go to Sweden to answer the charges.

he wouldnt be escaping, hed be going to tesco lol

has he been outside in 3 years?


dont think so cos theres been a couple of coppers parked outside for 3 years Oo

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So your statement the information he had wasnt classified is something you still believe?

Certainly now what the US felt and found. They clearly were classified military documents and manning had no right to obtain or hand them over.


Thats a given,but the real question is "what did Assange do wrong?" (not morally,but legally).

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Only the ignorant or intensely stupid would make jokes about such a situation.

The UK, the beacon of light and democracy is choosing to ignore the UN. Its a pity we didn't ignore the UN when they said we could invade Iraq but then there is profit in war.

Not so much profit in the sheeple finding out what is really happening though.

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Only the ignorant or intensely stupid would make jokes about such a situation.

The UK, the beacon of light and democracy is choosing to ignore the UN. Its a pity we didn't ignore the UN when they said we could invade Iraq but then there is profit in war.

Not so much profit in the sheeple finding out what is really happening though.


The reason people are able to joke about the UN's judgement is that it's laughable. He's not being detained; he's welcome to leave the embassy any time he wants to.


As for him being a hero, it would be all well and good if wikileaks' work was simply publishing evidence of criminal activity. But it's not; it's publishing as much stuff as they possibly can, generally without redaction or enquiry as to what it even contains, or what the fallout would be for the innocent people whose data they publish. And then he has the gall to whine about being mistreated when he chooses not to face trial for a crime he may have committed. The suggestion that since he is such a "hero" then he should be treated as immune from prosecution is the sick joke.


And as for putting up statues, maybe the "small" matter of whether he's a rapist should be cleared up first.

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