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Cost of policing Julian Assange wikileaks siege.

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Only the ignorant or intensely stupid would make jokes about such a situation.

The UK, the beacon of light and democracy is choosing to ignore the UN. Its a pity we didn't ignore the UN when they said we could invade Iraq but then there is profit in war.

Not so much profit in the sheeple finding out what is really happening though.


That post has inspired me to try to make hipsters go with canibalism of people who say sheeple as the new 'thing'.


That is all. You utter belter.

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That post has inspired me to try to make hipsters go with canibalism of people who say sheeple as the new 'thing'.


That is all. You utter belter.


Do not confuse accuracy with being 'the new thing'

Accuracy has been around for ages.


---------- Post added 06-02-2016 at 00:32 ----------


The reason people are able to joke about the UN's judgement is that it's laughable. He's not being detained; he's welcome to leave the embassy any time he wants to.




And will be arrested if he does. Yes, I can see how he is free. Yes, you have convinced me :rolleyes:

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Does this mean you can commit a crime and then if Ecuador take you in to embassy the cops can't do anything?


Basically, yes. Although if the UN decision was to be implemented you could then walk out again and the police couldn't do anything; which is clearly ludicrous.


Of course that's even less ludicrous than the feeling of the likes of Stoned, who seems to feel that if someone is enough of a "hero", then they should be able to commit rape and not be held accountable. (which is kind of ironic considering some of the military abuses which wikileaks rightly brought to light)

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his cunning plan is to wait in the embassy till 2020 then get away scott free it seems:-




Inquiry into three of the allegations dropped[edit]


On 12 August 2015, Swedish prosecutors announced that, as the statute of limitations for two of less serious allegations has run out, and they had not succeeded in interviewing Assange, they would end part of their preliminary investigation. After 18 August 2015, Assange can no longer be charged for all three of the less serious charges. However, the preliminary investigation into the allegation of rape still continues, as the statute of limitations here will only expire in 2020.[2]

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his cunning plan is to wait in the embassy till 2020 then get away scott free it seems:-




Inquiry into three of the allegations dropped[edit]


On 12 August 2015, Swedish prosecutors announced that, as the statute of limitations for two of less serious allegations has run out, and they had not succeeded in interviewing Assange, they would end part of their preliminary investigation. After 18 August 2015, Assange can no longer be charged for all three of the less serious charges. However, the preliminary investigation into the allegation of rape still continues, as the statute of limitations here will only expire in 2020.[2]


I believe the rape was consensual sex, but he didn't use a condom, something like that...

Anyway he has been more than willing to talk to Swedish prosecutors in this country. He believes the whole rape thing is a trumped up charge simply to facilitate extradition to the USA, and I think he's probably right.

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I believe the rape was consensual sex, but he didn't use a condom, something like that...

Anyway he has been more than willing to talk to Swedish prosecutors in this country. He believes the whole rape thing is a trumped up charge simply to facilitate extradition to the USA, and I think he's probably right.


As understood it he went for in for a second innings whilst his partner was asleep.

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I believe the rape was consensual sex, but he didn't use a condom, something like that...

Anyway he has been more than willing to talk to Swedish prosecutors in this country. He believes the whole rape thing is a trumped up charge simply to facilitate extradition to the USA, and I think he's probably right.


Would you be this forgiving of other rape suspects?

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