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Cost of policing Julian Assange wikileaks siege.

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Whats that cryptic rubbish supposed to mean?


Where do the police intend to draw the line, they've spent 3 million now, will they spend 5, or ten??

We've never spent so much to honour one arrest warrant before, we don't spend a fraction of that to find and arrest genuine murderers and rapists with European arrest warrants.

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Whats that cryptic rubbish supposed to mean?


Where do the police intend to draw the line, they've spent 3 million now, will they spend 5, or ten??

We've never spent so much to honour one arrest warrant before, we don't spend a fraction of that to find and arrest genuine murderers and rapists with European arrest warrants.


unfortunatly some people think that Assange is some sort of crusader upholding rights and uncovering wrong doings! wont be long before "liberty" et al get involved and we have to listen to that repulsive chakrabati women:gag:

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Whats that cryptic rubbish supposed to mean?


Where do the police intend to draw the line, they've spent 3 million now, will they spend 5, or ten??

We've never spent so much to honour one arrest warrant before, we don't spend a fraction of that to find and arrest genuine murderers and rapists with European arrest warrants.


unfortunatly some people think that Assange is some sort of crusader upholding rights and uncovering wrong doings! wont be long before "liberty" et al get involved and we have to listen to that repulsive chakrabati women:gag:


I think you are referring to my post which means that a course of action should not necessarily be judged on how much it costs but whether or not there is value in pursuing it. That value could be the protection of freedom, the pursuit of equality, the eradication of injustice or any one of a whole host of possibilities that are not linked to cost.


Regarding Assange, I don't really have an opinion one way or another.


I was just keen to point out that there could very well be important angles to consider rather than just cost.

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He's not wanted for anything in this country.

If the Swedes want him so badly send them the policing bill or let them police it themselves.

Considering that our judges are quite happy to let foreign convicted criminals loose on our streets, it seems a bit strange to spend millions trying to deport this guy!

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It's obvious the authorities are very afraid of Julian Assaange, to put all this time and expense into keeping him quiet, even though he poses no threat to anyone other than the establishment.


Meanwhile real robbers, rapists and murderers are at large. Please will the powers that be get their priorities right and put the effort into getting them off the streets.

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So, in reality, examining other cases that have been tried and sentenced in Sweden, Assange would serve 16 months at the most for the crime. He's been under house arrest for 804 days now. How long will it go on? Isn't it time Sweden and England got their heads together to put an end to this costly mess?


What would happen if Sweden said he'd paid for his crime and they had no further issues with Assange? If he left the Embassy would we arrest him for extradition to the US now?

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The solution would be to stop wasting police time and resources and arrest him if he tries to leave the country or is seen out and about. There are worse people than him walking our streets.


Yes, I agree. They should just reduce the police presence to whatever it would normally be outside the Ecuadorian Embassy (probably zero). Then, if he happens to be seen out and about or he tries to leave the country he should be arrested. There’s no way he would be able to keep a low profile – he will want publicity. He’s sure to break cover. But even if he doesn’t, he’s still imprisoned, but it wont cost us anything.

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