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Parking in Paradise Square

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What grief? How is this enforced? As already said, a bunch of law firms really should know better.


I think you've jumped on the "it's not enforceable" bandwagon, a little too quickly.


The tort of trespass is a very pleasant thing. Can be enforced by a landowner or anyone with a legimate and authorised interest in the land. Now we know that's not PPC's, but what if you are a lessee of the land, as most of the chambers and firms in Paradise are.


Well, then you have a right to sue for trespass.


We further know that in PPC cases, there's often no loss, as there are other parking spaces. Not in this case. Mr Barrister has a set space at chambers, and if he can't park in it (they have their own, if they're senior enough), he has to go off and park in town for a day, paying perhaps £15 for the day. Bearing in mind you've trespassed, he's under no obligation to shop around. Mitigation of loss doesn't always mean finding the cheapest, just being reasonable.


What else - how about loss of earnings whilst he messes around finding a space - an hour on QC wages is a good £500.


I don't work in those offices by the way, but I think you want to be careful assuming all private land parking can't be actionable.


Couple more things to add..


Firstly, you don't need terms and conditions for trespass.

Secondly, whilst most places wouldn't try to enforce it, seeing as the barristers will often be at Court anyway, does it really cause them problems to represent themselves?

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Some people actually enjoy parking where they shouldn't in order to get into hassle with private parking companies. There are some real odd balls out there.


They might be laughing now, but does anyone seriously think that companies which do manage parking are just going to roll over and take it?

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What grief? How is this enforced? As already said, a bunch of law firms really should know better.


Wouldn't a group of lawyers conduct their own case..if they've had to park elsewhere then they'd probably be able to prove loss..not quite the same as a "parking control " company....do you feel lucky?

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Its one thing messing with a big company which badly handles these cases, but for a solicitor who's lost his parking space it wouldn't take half an hour to knock up a nice little claim for loss of earnings and other costs if he had to find a parking space further away - worse if his car is in the middle and blocked in by a casual parker who he can't trace.


I think on this forum some people would wear out £5 of shoe leather to save 10p.

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Some people actually enjoy parking where they shouldn't in order to get into hassle with private parking companies. There are some real odd balls out there.


They might be laughing now, but does anyone seriously think that companies which do manage parking are just going to roll over and take it?


PPC`s can do very little apart from hope people are none the wiser and just pay up , but word is spreading ,and people arnt paying these worthless invoices. They wont take you to court because they know the chances are they will lose ,so there is very little PPC`s can do . They cant clamp you anymore so they have lost that little earner ,and the fall in revenue from fewer parking invoices being paid will be hurting them . I personaly would love to see all PPC`s go bankrupt because they have got away with conning motorists for way too long.

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Ah, the same old rhetoric. Can you ever post anything else? Such as answering the question as to what will happen when nobody pays a PPC and the parking companies get no income and their clients are complaining that their presence has no effect?


This thread isn't even about parking companies, yet you spout the same tired old lines.

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Ah, the same old rhetoric. Can you ever post anything else? Such as answering the question as to what will happen when nobody pays a PPC and the parking companies get no income and their clients are complaining that their presence has no effect?


This thread isn't even about parking companies, yet you spout the same tired old lines.


Well , common sense tells you that the PPC`s will go bust ,and the client will have to find another means of controlling parking on thier land, like barriers and ticket mechines for example( which i have no problem with what so ever).

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