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Ordinary people should know their place!

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I would make all child related benefits contributory only, but yes clearly we need to look after those British people who cannot look after themselves. As for foreigners, I think we have enough issues here without taking on the worlds problems.


---------- Post added 18-02-2013 at 23:01 ----------



Your planet earth where we import loads of foreign labour for buttons and pay our "less able" to sit on their ass? Because that is working so well isn't it?


Well the various governments have allowed it to happen, so who's fault is it?


Labour allowed mass immigration, Conservatives closed down vast swathes of manufacturing and production. Various Governments have mucked about endlessly with the NHS, Education, the police until none of them work, and then they've sold off our infrastructure. Laws are passed but not enforced, Money has been squandered left right and centre. Wars have been faught in our name, but without our consent. Endless government scandals have undermined trust and authority, and don't get me started on the EU.


Then they have the cheek to blame us, and say we have been living beyond our means and end with that lie of all lies, that we're all in it together.


Democracy in this country is a sham. We are simply cash cows to keep the politicos in the manner to which they have become accustomed.

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Individuals are worth what they are worth. The government(s) have blame for importing foreigners, individuals have blame for not being able to outperform those foreigners.


Way forward, get rid of a lot of the foreigners, stop paying a penny for non working people who breed and get back to a decent carry on for British people and those from abroad who actually want to be British.


I have a superb Polish man who prunes my roses,and his knowledge of geraniums is immense.


---------- Post added 19-02-2013 at 07:49 ----------


Individuals are worth what someone will pay them for their work, or a company will pay them on contract, or what they can generate by getting off their ass and working for themselves. I have no time for the idle.


I believe you have been gifted one or two assets in your life which can be advantageous-you don't learn the Iliad at seven unless you are at a private prep school.Like yer man said most kids associate Homer with the Simpsons,not with Y3 homework!

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I would make all child related benefits contributory only, but yes clearly we need to look after those British people who cannot look after themselves. As for foreigners, I think we have enough issues here without taking on the worlds problems.


You'd be responsible for children starving then. Is it the fault of the children that they have unlucky or feckless parents?

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He is referring to the young woman who refused to work unpaid in Poundland.


However she did not refuse to work there because she thought it was beneath her, (indeed she has since worked in a supermarket,) but because she already had an unpaid job in a museum more in keeping with her university specialism of geology, and she hoped with prospects of becoming a proper job.




Go on,I'll bite..how is working in a pen museum relevant to geology?

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Sorry, I don't get your logic here. Why would he be responsible for children starving?


Because he's suggesting that all child related benefits be made dependant on contributions.

So people who had a child but had never paid any NI wouldn't be given any benefits. Which would result in a starving family, including the child(ren).


It's pretty simple logic really isn't it.


If benefits currently ensure that a child has enough to eat, and they were withdrawn due to making them contributory only then the child would no longer get enough to eat.

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I signed on briefly some years ago, mainly to keep up with my National Insurance stamp. I am a graduate with a post-graduate qualification and had a long work history with experience in administration and psychological interventions. I was offered the prospect of part-time bar work or cleaning at what was then The Deep End! I have worked in pubs in the past and do not feel the work is beneath me, but if I had accepted this work, what is there then available to people who have few or no qualifications and whose choices are much more limited. I declined. Within a few weeks I did manage to get work in my chosen field, albeit just one morning a week, but over time did manage to increase my hours to almost full-time.

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I think it's completely reasonable to expect to take some time looking for appropriate work before you should be required to accept any work. Something in the region of 3 to 6 months should be sufficient, after which I guess you have to accept that your chosen field doesn't have any opportunities and any work is better than none.

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