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To All Dog Owners..


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Keep your dogs on leads if you can’t control them.


Let me start this post by saying that not everybody likes dogs, in fact there are plenty of people like myself who are uncomfortable around them.


Last night I went for my usual run up the A61 in High Green. There was a guy in front of me taking his dog for a walk and half way up he decided to let it off the lead. The dog then ran off up the hill taking no notice of his owner who was frantically calling out to it and chasing after it, to no avail.


I didn’t see what kind of dog it was and had no intention of finding out, because clearly it couldn’t be controlled, so I turned around and went back.


Now it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out what could have happened had the out of control dog decided to investigate the other side of the A61, which is why I guess the owner was so frantic. I don’t know what the outcome was, because I didn’t hang around to find out.


A couple of months back I was having a pleasant walk in the woods at the top of Grenoside with my wife. We walked past a couple who were taking their rather large dog for a walk. When they saw us they tried to get hold of the dog, but he/she thought it was a game and got rather exciteable. They couldn’t catch the dog and it ended up jumping on my wife with its face close to hers. Like me she’s very nervous around dogs and was nearly in tears as a result of the experience.


We didn’t even get a sorry from the owners who looked rather sheepish.


To put it simply.....If you’re not capable of controlling your dogs, either keep them on a lead or don’t have them in the first place.........We’re not all dog lovers and some of us like to be able to walk in the countryside in peace without having to divert our route to avoid dogs that can’t be controlled......Show a bit of thought for others who may not be as comfortable around dogs as you.





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I totally agree with you. Before I got our little dog, I was petrified due to many an experience like your wife's, or the old, "She's friendly, don't worry", or, "It's never done that before." We always keep our pup on a lead, and the amount of times massive aggressive dogs off the lead come up to have a go at him is astounding.


I have come across more nasty dogs off lead then sweet, gentle ones (of which there are of course some). I used to take a route twice longer at my old house to get home to avoid a notorious dog walking field, and it was such a shame.

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I can get your point, but I am a recent dog owner, and quite frankly am getting a bit sick of people banging on about dogs being left off leads.


People moan about dog, but letting them off to train them and socialise them is very important for their development too. Or they will become unruly pets.

Providing people are responsible dog owners and clean up after them what is the problem?


I had a woman rip in to me and abuse me because my puppy went 10 yards in the vicinity of her daughter in a park.

She was making her daughter scared and nervous of dogs for no good reason - he is a puppy for heavens sake. Why walk through the park then?



I also had a woman jogging in the park hurl abuse at me cos my dog trotted behind her, shouting get down to him. Worried about getting her cellulite revealing karrimor running legging dirty. I would hope that the woman would wash her keep fit clothes after use, but hey, clearly she felt like she was the only one to have any right to be there..




So I have a bit of advice for all people 'scared' of dogs- Do not go to parks or in to the country, because, HUGE SUPRISE there are always going to be dogs there.

Not the Easter Bunny, fluffy kittens or people offering therapy for saddos who want the world their way.

I have come across many people who abuse dog owners for no good reason, and |I am sorry they just come across as weird.

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I have a Weirmaraner (which for you non dog lovers is a fairly big dog) i take her out and put her on a lead when needed, but i have to say i get ever so slightly annoyed when other dog owners don't put their dog on a lead and they come bothering mine-i also clean up after her and am absolutley disgusted at the amount of **** on the the paths on our estate, its disgusting littke kids walk down these paths to get to school!!!! By the way my dog has been on a lead while other unleashed dogs have attacked her 3 times, one quite badly....won't say what breed though !

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I have a dog, he is 2 now and was beaten as a pup and also attacked by another dog, he is kept on a lead because he is wary around other dogs. Some he will cower from and others he holds himself in what could seem like an aggressive stance. As we never know which scenario will play out its safer for him/ us and everyone else to keep him on lead if there is a chance he will come across an unfamiliar dog.

What we don't appreciate is the dog owners who think its ok for there dog to be off lead and allowed to approach other dogs who are on lead obviously for a reason.


My dog is not aggressive to people or animals but I'm aware of the damage he could cause if not controlled properly but I shouldn't have to spend my walk keeping other people's dogs away. We have a right to enjoy our walk also!

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Providing people are responsible dog owners and clean up after them what is the problem?


I have no problem with the responsible dog owners who also understand that not everybody wants a dog jumping up at them and making a fuss.


I think my distrust of dogs goes back to when I was a little boy and an alsation knocked me over and was stood over me snarling until my grandad chased it off. I've never been comfortable around dogs ever since.


My mate owns a Labrador and I was explaining the above experience in the woods to him. He says when he goes walking with his dog he has some food in his pocket and whenever he walks past other people or dogs, he puts his hand in his pocket to get the food out and Monty comes running over and loses interest in everything around him......That's being responsible and knowing how to control your dog.


In my first example the owner had clearly lost control of his dog next to a busy main road. Had the dog decided to head across the road it could easily have caused a serious accident.....That's not being responsible.





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Dogs do need to be kept under control, but it seems people also need to grow up and get over themselves.


The risk of attack or injury is so low it's unreal, if you think a dog bouncing around and jumping up is attacking or looking to harm you then you should stay inside also because it's simply not true.

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Dogs do need to be kept under control, but it seems people also need to grow up and get over themselves.


The risk of attack or injury is so low it's unreal, if you think a dog bouncing around and jumping up is attacking or looking to harm you then you should stay inside also because it's simply not true.


I bet you wouldn't like it if I came up to you, put my dirty hands all over your nice clean clothes and then started licking you in the face. :hihi:





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