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To All Dog Owners..


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I've become a dog owner recently - a super staff x rescue mutt who is about 18 months, playful, soft and very good with other dogs.


What has surprised and disappointed me to an extent is the level of vitriol often on both sides of the dog/non dog people debate. So much so that there is a certain amount of stress in taking your dog out at all, particularly if you're going to let it run around a bit.


I think a little bit of mutual respect is needed here. I would never have my dog off the lead if the park was too busy or whatever, she has a tendency to chase balls that don't belong to her and, as she came from a home with kids, adores them and quite often wants to go and say hello, which can be offputting/upsetting for some.


That being said, even with the best will in the world, occasionally, as an animal, she does slightly unexpected things or nips off to have a sniff at somebody who you've not noticed. On these occasions I am incredibly grateful to the majority of people who smile and say 'hello' or whatever, rather than those who kick off as if you've sent your dangerous dog to personally poo in their mouth. There are far worse things out there and a sense of perspective can be useful.


So, all in all, I am not condoning out of control dogs and arrogant dog owners allowing their dogs to harass people continually or endanger traffic etc., but am saying that a little bit of understanding for those nice people with basically nice dogs, which constitute the great majority, is hugely appreciated because the occasional criminal sniff or plea for affection from a stranger you'd not noticed, or stray tennis ball sending them nuts, is bound to happen!


*only just realised that the last 'sentence' there is a horrible stream of consciousness, but can't be bothered re-writing, so hope its meaning is not totally lost!!

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Dogs do need to be kept under control, but it seems people also need to grow up and get over themselves.


The risk of attack or injury is so low it's unreal, if you think a dog bouncing around and jumping up is attacking or looking to harm you then you should stay inside also because it's simply not true.

And some dog owners need to understand not everyone likes uncontrollable dogs jumping all over them.

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I can get your point, but I am a recent dog owner, and quite frankly am getting a bit sick of people banging on about dogs being left off leads.


People moan about dog, but letting them off to train them and socialise them is very important for their development too. Or they will become unruly pets.

Providing people are responsible dog owners and clean up after them what is the problem?


I had a woman rip in to me and abuse me because my puppy went 10 yards in the vicinity of her daughter in a park.

She was making her daughter scared and nervous of dogs for no good reason - he is a puppy for heavens sake. Why walk through the park then?



I also had a woman jogging in the park hurl abuse at me cos my dog trotted behind her, shouting get down to him. Worried about getting her cellulite revealing karrimor running legging dirty. I would hope that the woman would wash her keep fit clothes after use, but hey, clearly she felt like she was the only one to have any right to be there..




So I have a bit of advice for all people 'scared' of dogs- Do not go to parks or in to the country, because, HUGE SUPRISE there are always going to be dogs there.

Not the Easter Bunny, fluffy kittens or people offering therapy for saddos who want the world their way.

I have come across many people who abuse dog owners for no good reason, and |I am sorry they just come across as weird.


You describe the very reasons a dog should be kept on a lead by printing that load of rubbish.:roll::roll::roll::roll:.

I am a dog owner and don't see any reason to allow my do to cause upset to others.

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I have a medium sized dog (not the the size should make a difference) and she's not always on her lead but she goes on her lead if there's anyone else near by, there's no excuse for letting your dog harass people who might not want it.


Everyone has the right to enjoy open spaces, owners, dogs and everyone else alike.


It is a two way street however and sometimes consideration from other people is appreciated - for example if you don't want my dog to get excited around you, don't stand right next to her and lean over her - give her a little room! If you are a single walker, sometimes it's easier for you to get out of me and my dog's way on a narrow path than for me to get out of your way, etc.

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I have a medium sized dog (not the the size should make a difference) and she's not always on her lead but she goes on her lead if there's anyone else near by, there's no excuse for letting your dog harass people who might not want it.


Everyone has the right to enjoy open spaces, owners, dogs and everyone else alike.


It is a two way street however and sometimes consideration from other people is appreciated - for example if you don't want my dog to get excited around you, don't stand right next to her and lean over her - give her a little room! If you are a single walker, sometimes it's easier for you to get out of me and my dog's way on a narrow path than for me to get out of your way, etc.


That's what I call being a responsible owner and showing courtesy/consideration for others who may not be dog people.


It really shouldn't be that difficult, but some people just don't think.





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I can get your point, but I am a recent dog owner, and quite frankly am getting a bit sick of people banging on about dogs being left off leads.


People moan about dog, but letting them off to train them and socialise them is very important for their development too. Or they will become unruly pets.

Providing people are responsible dog owners and clean up after them what is the problem?


I had a woman rip in to me and abuse me because my puppy went 10 yards in the vicinity of her daughter in a park.

She was making her daughter scared and nervous of dogs for no good reason - he is a puppy for heavens sake. Why walk through the park then?



I also had a woman jogging in the park hurl abuse at me cos my dog trotted behind her, shouting get down to him. Worried about getting her cellulite revealing karrimor running legging dirty. I would hope that the woman would wash her keep fit clothes after use, but hey, clearly she felt like she was the only one to have any right to be there..




So I have a bit of advice for all people 'scared' of dogs- Do not go to parks or in to the country, because, HUGE SUPRISE there are always going to be dogs there.

Not the Easter Bunny, fluffy kittens or people offering therapy for saddos who want the world their way.

I have come across many people who abuse dog owners for no good reason, and |I am sorry they just come across as weird.


You are clearly NOT a responsible dog owner.

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